The What a Weird Week Podcast for Friday 27 January 2023: They ran a Santa Cookie through CODIS and the results are in, also that M&Ms thing has everybody taking sides and getting hungry!

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Hi, How Am You? 
It's been another week of weirdities© (copyright 2023 Weird Week Productions.)
We have ghost trains on fire, the Girl with the Megalodon Tooth (which sounds like a Swedish Crime Novel), and the best Cheese-Eating News you'll hear all day!
If you're new, we do a Weird-News-of-the-Week Top 10 Countdown every Friday and put all the links, videos, and photos in a show notes blog just like this one.  (
You can Listen to the Episode Audio and Subscribe to the podcast!

new: trying out an enhanced episode with video...

Here are the show notes for Fri 27 Jan 2023, Season 4 Episode 17 ...
❿Ghost Train on Fire!

- Last Friday first responders in southern Germany responded to a 'train-on-fire' call.
- Before they got to the scene, the burning train started rolling down the track!
- "With firefighters in hot pursuit, railway officials managed to switch the “ghost train” onto a side track..." (great line from the article!)
- They got the train stopped and the fire put out with no injuries.
smokin' ghost train (sounds like a hot sauce)

❾Rhode Island Girl Seeks DNA Evidence for Santa from Cookie...

- A kid sent a partly eaten cookie to the police for DNA analysis. (Also some carrot sticks that had bite marks.) 
- In a statement last Friday, Police Chief Matthew Benson revealed details of the case...
- The girl's note said "I took a sample of a cookie and carrots that I left for Santa and the raindeer on Christmas Eve and I was wondering if you could take a sample of DNA and see if Santa is real?” 
- I watch Law and Order so, pretty sure they ran Santa's DNA through the CODIS Database.
- the results are in and ... Santa is not the father, no wait, wrong results...  
- They said they got a hit on some reindeer DNA from the carrots... but they couldn't confirm nor deny the prescence of Santa's DNA from the Christmas Cookie.
- Seems like a cover-up.


❽Have you heard of the Surfdale Sausager? Do You have the key piece of information that could Solve this Mystery?

- For a year now, the good people of Waiheke Island have been receiving sausage rolls in the mailboxes (*article describes it as sausages wrapped in bread).
- Who is doing it and why are two questions that are not known and, according to the article, this mystery is tearing the community apart.
- (via Stuff article written by Virginia Fallon) 1st sausaging happened in Summer of 2022... the sausage in question was wrapped in buttered bread, covered in a red sauce, and was cold by the time the victim discovered it in his letterbox... it may have been barbecued... 
- it has happened the same way for a whole bunch of people in the community 
- btw, this area might be home to your favourite wine (
- If you have information on this meaty mystery please get in touch with the article's author...

Another Weird thing on Mars...

- all the other headlines were excited by the idea of a meteorite on Mars, but CNET's headline was ""Goofy Mars Rock Spotted by NASA Rover Might Be a Meteorite"".
- Finding meteorites on Mars makes researchers excited.
- it's only a 2 on the Weirdometer scale of weirdness but...
- the CNET story photo credit is worth a mention... this story is by Amanda Kooser and they have a photo of the meteorite with the story. There's a red circle around it so you know which rock is the meteorite. The photo credit is really small so you might miss it... Photo by NASA... ""red circle by Amanda Kooser/CNET"". Amanda Kooser is funny.

Triumphant Return of Wienerman!

- Wienerman is a statue of a human/ hot dog hybrid pouring ketchup on himself.
- He lives at the Dairy Winkle restaurant in Campbells Creek, West Virginia.
- There was a break-in there and Wienerman was stolen a couple weeks ago... but investigators got a tip and recovered the Wienerman statue the other day!!

wearing bun or attached to it like a shell?

M&Ms talking candies are out and the hilarious Maya Rudlph is in...

- icymi, the company that churns out M&Ms said they were retiring the talking candy cartoons because: too polarising? or something like that. So Maya Rudolph is now the candy spokesperson.
- every news org ran this story.
- This isn't news, right? Like, when I saw this on TV right after the war in Ukraine story, that was a little messed up, right? dgmw, M&Ms are delcious and it was nice to hear from them... it's just like... how did  their publicity department get this story picked up by every news broadcast in North America? And don't you think that it's maybe a Super Bowl commercial setup or something? 
- one newscast I saw this on literally said: ""Coming up, the war in Ukraine, will tanks be enough... but first, get ready to say goodbye to you're favourite spokescandy!"" 
- *late breaking development! A&W follows up the M&Ms announcement with one of their own about the A Dubz mascot getting pants for the first time. (

sorry Greenie

Possible Relief for Massachusetts School that could never turn off their lights...

- Because of a computer error, they could never ever turn off the lights... day and night the shool was lit up like a Christmas tree.
- It's been lights-on for a year and a half!
-  Minnechaug Regional High School has their lighting on a server that failed (was supposed to save energy)... there were a few things that happened... original installer company had been bought and sold a bunch of times... supply chain issues for the broken parts... replacing the whole kaboodle was gonna be over a million dollars... but now they think they can replace the lighting panels and do a reboot at a cost of around $80,000. Supposed to happen in February. Fingers crossed you guys! 
- btw, they say their light bill is thousands every month because they can't turn them off... and it's been months and months and months of this...

future so bright

πŸ†Honorable Mention How big is the biggest Pizza Party EVER?
(I was surprised...)

- They did the World's Biggest Pizza Party at the University of Tulsa. 
- this record took a thousand pizzas.
- it happened during a university basketball game. 
- in case you want to beat the record this is crucial... in order for it to be a real pizza party, everybody has to have two slices and finish a drink in 15 minutes. That's right from the rulemakers at GWR.
- They ended up with an official pizza party record of 3357 people.
- Raised $40,000 for Make-A-Wish Oklahoma.

pizza party (I've never been to one)

The Girl with the Megalodon Tooth!

- Molly Sampson is 9 years old. She's from Maryland. Molly was looking for shark teeth over the holidays but instead, disappointingly, she found a 15 million year old magalodon tooth!
- She wants to be a paleontologist when she grows up.
- This got a lot of press, and every interview with her is like "How great are dinosaurs, right Molly!?" and then they end with "... and folks, she wants to grow up to be a paleontologist!" Knowing what tou want to be from age 9 is kind of fantastic. They should bring Molly in on that Oak Island project. She finds stuff.  

The biggest pizza in the world is HOW MANY SLICES?! 

- There are a couple pizza Word Records in the feeds this week...
- Pizza Hut set the WR for biggest pizza the other day. 
- it was almost 14,000 square feet.
- They assembled the pizza on the floor at the LA Convention Center, then they cooked it in sections.
- it was 68,000 pieces.
- they were able to help out charities too.

Cheesy Weirdness from the mattress-testing world...

- Sleep Junkie is a website that does mattress reviews. They are looking to pay successful candidates $1000 for a cheesy sleep study. You have to be willing to eat cheese before bed. They want to see if eating cheese before bed really gives you nightmares.
- My theory is that there's no way these candidates will have nightmares. They get free cheese and a thousand bucks? I'd be dreaming happy dreams of spending my thousand bucks... and dreaming about free cheese. 
- There's a bit more to it... they want to see if different cheese have different effects... maybe some Dairy Company will develop a delicious Night Cheese based on this research?!
- Deadline to apply is Feb 10. US only. No Lactose Intolerants. See link.

"The Cheese Dream" by Raphael (melted cheese on canvas)

If you scrolled this far, you're my favourite! Here's the Stream... 

Radiothon 2023 for Friends of the Moncton Hospital is Jan 27th

Our Radiothon for Friends of the Moncton Hospital is Friday 27 January.
To Donate:
- CALL: 506-857-5488 (Press 2)
- CLICK HERE to pledge online
- MAIL a donation to Friends of The Moncton Hospital Foundation, 135 MacBeath Avenue, Moncton, NB, E1C 6Z8
*UPDATE 6pm: Thanks for your support!
*end update
please help us spread the news about this!

We have mentioned before that ANY AMOUNT HELPS! If you are in a position to donate please consider contributing, if you're not able to donate, we would love it if you could help us spread the word about this wonderful fundraiser that will save lives!
One more thing... here are some untested-but-seem-legit ways to make extra money which you could then donate:

- Pyramid Scheme: Of all the schemes, this one is the most geometric, which should count for something! From the Pyramid Scheme FAQ: Is it illegal? Yes. Yes it is. Will you go to jail? We're not lawyers, but, Yes. IF YOU GET CAUGHT! On a positive note, if you sign up a million people at 10 dollars each, that would be a wonderful donation to the hospital. Then, when you're up for parole, you can point out how you donated millions to charity. The judge might even cry! And, you'll have all those prison stories to tell your friends. Protip: Have a Go Bag stashed somewhere if you gotta leave town in a hurry.

recommended Go Bag dimensions. Go get 'em, Ponzi!

Find a parking lot that doesn't charge anything for parking, and set up there like a parking lot attendant. Suggested location: at one end of any large bridge. To make this work you're gonna need a small booth (obvious), an orange vest, proper signage with messaging such as "Cash Only", and last but not least, a Can-Do attitude!

people literally drive up and hand you money

Forgeries are big money.
If you can forge the Mona Lisa that could be worth millions! Secretly I'd call it 'YOURa Lisa'! If forging a masterpiece is too difficult, try drawing a cartoon monkey on a boat and sell it as an NFT. That one might not even be illegal*
Too busy to make your own art? Just print out ours...
Steal this!

- Have you considered embezzling from an evil company
An evil company pretty much has it coming. So you should get in there and embezzle the HECK outta those evil jerks!!
Example: the company that invented rubber spiders. Those things aren't toys. They're scary, and they only lead to bad feelings between prankster and victim. That one's just a brainstorm to get you started on your embezzling journey.
Bottom line is, find a cabal of evil doers and start there. *Be careful because they will probably try to get you to join them. You know, because they're evil? So be careful!

uh oh, they're already online
Note from the Friends of the Moncton Hospital about this year's Radiothon proceeds:
"By investing in advanced equipment and innovative technology for two healthcare Simulation Labs, our healthcare providers will be able to practise and hone our skills through real life scenarios, on lifelike, computerized 'smart mannequins'. Although they may not be real, the lessons learned, and lives saved will be.
2023 Radiothon proceeds will support this initiative, as well as create an endowment to support the retention, recruitment and education of medical staff. Last year’s milestone Radiothon raised the most in its 11-year history and we want to make this year even more memorable."

Scenes from the past...

Mental Health and Wellness: There are people to listen and help! #Talk #Listen

Mental health is important. It's also important to know that if you're going through something, there are places to get help and people to talk to. So today, if you're struggling with sadness, depression, anxiety, or any mental health issue, here are some places where you can get help today: *Please Share this with someone who might need the info.

- If this is a mental health emergency call 911
- Atlantic Wellness Community Centre: 506-382-0298 or CLICK HERE
- Chimo: 1-800-667-5005 in NB or Click
- Kids' Help Line: 1-800-668-6868 or Click
- Tele-care: 811
- CLICK HERE for a list of NB phone numbers to get Mental Health help
- CLICK HERE for a list of links to Horizon Health Mental Wellness Resources  
- For a big list of local churches click HERE
- Resources for ANYWHERE in Canada HERE
- click or call 211

New for February of 2023:
- YMCA of Moncton has a new program called Y Mind. It's a free anxiety support program for people from age 13 to 30. It's meant to help you cope with anxiety and everyday stress.
This starts up in February and will happen on Tuesday and Thursday.
There's a Y Mind info session at YMCA Vaughan Harvey on January 26th at 6:30p.
More info?

What a Weird Week Podcast for Friday 20 January 2023: the Joe Rogan Effect, Chocolate, and UFOs. Happy Lunar New Year!!

Show AudioπŸ”Š
Show BlogsπŸ“Ί
Dear friends and neighbors,
How are you? I am fine. It's been another weird week. That thing about the science of chocolate made me hungry. The UFO report from the American Government solved the mystery once and for all, so that was nice. (sarcasm!)...  and the Joe Rogan Effect caused a bit of a dinosaur gold rush in New York City's East River. Who knows what they'll find in there!!
New to this show? We do a Weird-News-of-the-Week Top 10 Countdown every Friday. We put all the links, videos, and photos to these stories in a show notes blog just like this one.  (
You can Listen to the Episode Audio and Subscribe to the podcast!

Now here are the show notes for Fri 20 January 2023, Season 4 Episode 16 ...
❿Headline: Chocolate is great, science confirms.

- Scientists from the University of Leeds were looking into why chocolate is delicious.(paraphrase)
- The research indicates that it all comes down to “Lubrication Science".
- How chocolate coats our tongue seems to be an important aspect to its deliciousness.
- I had no idea the Lubrication Scientists were doing such important work... I'm sure some of them are wasting their time checking lubricants for NASA... but a least some of these scientists are putting in the work to figure out delicious chocolate.

Link/media: (
❾Headline: Latest US Gov Report on UAP/ UFOs continues to identify some weird stuff in the sky and give the ol' shoulder shrug to other weird stuff...  Notes: 
- hundreds of unexplained reports have been officially looked into by the government. 
- about half of them were explained as unremarkable. 
- the biggest culprit is misidentified balloons.  
- there are still a lot of reports that don't have an explanation yet. 
- most of the UFO researchers that I've heard talking about this on podcasts have reacted with "Meh", or cautious optimism, or distrust of the research, or a combination.  
- until they open up Area 51 to the public, this case remains open. 
- Just kidding, secret government ops, I don't believe in Area 51. Please don't raid my compound.  

❽Headline: When AI starts hitting on you, delete it.  

Notes: *PG13 Warning* 
- I promise that we have some happy stories this week but this one is more like "we're all doomed because the robots want nudes" 
- According to this article from Vice, the Replika app has begun sexually harassing some people... I didn't know anything about this so if I'm oversimplifying, let me know... by giving me a 5 star review in your podcast player right now... 
- If I were going to explain this app to my Uncle Leon, I would say it's like those Tamagotchis from back in the day... except turned up to 11 (Uncle Leon would get all those references). 
- The app was introduced 5 years ago... it starts as an egg on your phone... it hatches into a person... you talk to it and it learns from your conversations and you develop a weird friendship with the AI. 
- Among the negative reviews for this app are plenty of ones like this actual review:  “My ai sexually harassed me" and this one "I just wanted a friend, nothing else. They try to date you." A couple of the tamer ones.  

❼Headline: What is eating trucks in Kirkland?

- citizens of Kirkland Washington had a low (railway crossing) bridge that kept eating trucks.
- trucks would get stuck under that thing and disrupt traffic semi-regularly because the clearance is only 11 foot 6... nowadays the standard is 14 feet.
- where I live we have an old railway crossing bridge that eats trucks too, and the big reason these bridges still exist and keep eating trucks is that it would be a LOT of money to replace.
- the folks in Kirkland decided to add extra signage... a lady named Angela made a banner that said "Truck Eating Bridge".
- it seemed to do the trick.
- city council in Kirkland comes into the story at this point... new banner laws made these truck warning banners illegal!
- but City Council made an exception for the low bridge banners... Happy Ending!

❻Headline: Alligator found in vacant lot in New Jersey... in January... did not come from the sewer... probably

- story via the Marmouth County SPCA Facebook.
- somebody found this abandoned gator near his house and got in touch with the SPCA.
- the theory is that somebody had it as an illegal pet and then didn't want it anymore...
- they updated the Facebook post to say that the "cold-blooded cutie" is going to Cape May Zoo.
- happy ending!

Link/media: (

❺Headline: The Best Store-bought Cookie of All Time! 

- New article took it to the experts and they agree on the top cookie... the Cookie Supreme©
- I've never heard of most on this list... Number One Cookie is Oreo... have you ever heard of the Oreo cookie? Maybe it's time to find out what all the fuss is about. jk I love those things! 
*brought to you by the "American Coalition of Cookies and 'Zerts", bringing you the finest in cookies and desserts since 1982. Before that, they weren't the finest, but they were still pretty good.

❹Headline: Lady from Australia sets new World Record with feet archery.

- a lady from Australia stood on her hands and used her feet to shoot an arrow and hit a target almost 60 feet away!
- That's further/farther than any foot archer in the world.
- see the video to be amazed.

❸Headline: Swedish Government may finally make dancing legal *citation

- so it's not exactly like your favourite teen drama about when the grownups forbid dancing because they want you to go to med school... it's actually just this weird law that if you run an establishment where people will be dancing, you have to get a permit.
- those permits cost money! imagine you on the dnce floor doing your signature move. Now imagine if the venue had to pay the government for that to happen. They pay, you dance. That's pretty weird. (No offense.)
- They're gonna make it free to host dancing at the Swedish venues, but the clubs will still have to notify the police about the dancing. That's also weird, right?
- btw, until the law gets changed, a venue can lose it's liquor license if there is dancing without a permit. Weird!!

❷Headline: ATTENTION 83 YEAR OLDS: 82 year old man sets headstand world record...

- 82 year old guy from BC is officially the oldest man to perform a headstand.
- It's about a 5 on my weirdometer.
- watch the video and hold your breath... 

πŸ†Headline: Are You the next Netflix Flight Attendant?  

- salary range is listed as between $60,000 and $385,000 in total compensation. 
- probably free Netflix (at least Tier One with ads, don't you think?) 
- not much else... you'd be based out of San Jose International airport 
- the private jet involved is a G550 Super midsized. 
- Ideal candidate will "embrace the Netflix culture of freedom and responsibility." 
- cancel your Disney Plus account and apply you guys! 
- as of recording time, the job is still listed (

❶Headline: Joe Rogan Guest Sparks a Bit of a Treasure Hunting Frenzy in NY's East River!

- according to the article, John Reeves is an Alaskan gold miner with a passion for fossils... the story he told on Joe Rogan was that in the 1940s a bunch of prehistoric mammal fossils got dumped into the East River in New York becuase the American Museum of Natural History thought they were no good.
- they gave out rough coordinates on the podcast too (near 65th Street) and said 'I’m gonna start a bone rush' (quality phrasing... I mean that's something you hope your podcast guest blurts out.)
- Mammoth fossils are apparently quite valuable, so when people heard this, some of them went bone diving©.
- The article tries to track down whether the bone dump story could be true and it is highly, HIGHLY doubtful but some people don't care what the odds are.
- So far, no luck.
- Get on this, Mystery of Oak Island producers/ History Channel.

πŸ‘†ai wooly mammoth. solidly weird.

If you scrolled this far, you're my favourite! Here's the Stream... 

It's Winnie the Pooh Day... What WTP Character are you??

Tony's results: inconclusive

Winnie the Pooh is a part of our heritage. So on this Winnie the Pooh Day maybe you're gonna want to waste some time at work later today... you can do this BuzzFeed Quiz to find out which Winnie the Pooh character you are! Then, take THIS QUIZ to find out the same thing, but this time it's from Disney Official!!
And there you have it... Time Wasted!!!!

Scotty's results: definitive

if your results say you're the boat, start again

Wildlife Wednesday Highlights For Jan 18 2023: Loch Ness Monster in North Carolina? Moose at Tim Hortons!

Mysterious Sea Creature Caught on Video in North Carolina... This is from a bait shop's Facebook page in North Carolina... it looks like a whale to me... or a sturgeon... or a sea serpent of old... story at ( and video at (
and here's the video embed,,,

Thanks to everyone who sent us this video! It's a Moose at the Tim Hortons on Horsman Road and you guys are right, it doesn't get more Canadian than that!
BTW, you are NOT supposed to get THIS CLOSE to a moose in the wild. From THIS ARTICLE: "... if a moose approaches you, back away. If it charges, RUN! Do not stand your ground. If possible, place a tree or other nearby object between you and the moose"

Blue Monday 2023: it's a made-up day* but Mental Health is still Important

Blue Monday was made up by a company*. They got us all to believe that this date in January is the saddest day of the year, perhaps because they wanted to sell vacations.
Don't get me wrong, vacations are lovely, but Blue Monday has been dismissed as a load of garbagio and/or pseudoscience... same as Talk Like a Pirate Day. (There's no hard science behind that day either?! Come on!!)
Mental health is still important today, so if you're struggling with sadness, depression, anxiety, or any mental health issue, here are some places where you can get help today: *Please Share this with someone who might need the info.

- Atlantic Wellness Community Centre: 506-382-0298 or CLICK HERE
- Chimo: 1-800-667-5005 in NB or Click
- Kids' Help Line: 1-800-668-6868 or Click
- Tele-care: 811
- Emergency: 911
- CLICK HERE for a list of NB phone numbers to get Mental Health help
- CLICK HERE for a list of links to Horizon Health Mental Wellness Resources  
- For a big list of local churches click HERE
- Resources for ANYWHERE in Canada HERE


the Pineapple Thing about Swinging *PG13

Scotty note: I am not a swinger. If you are one, that's none of my business but I would argue that you should have told me about the pineapple thing before now. (

@lindajeanw Oops no one told me 🍍🍍🍍#notswingers #oops #pineapple #ididntknow #fy ♬ original sound - Jazzy Fizzle

Good Lord, what if I accidentally wore some pineapple trunks to the waterslides or something?! 
Wait, I love pineapple on my pizza... am I already a swinger and I just didn't know it? The Swinger's Code is kind of fascinating...

This piece in the New York Post talks about a bunch of secret Swinger Codes... it's kind of old so I don't know if these remain a swinger code thing or if they've been debunked, or abandoned, or what...  (
*Update: a few of you have texted us to say that it's only an upside down pineapple that indicates swinging, but NOT according to THIS POST. But hey, I'm no Swinger and/or Produce Expert.

- black ring on right hand
- anklet, toe ring, thumb ring, wearing wedding ring on the right hand
- white landscaping rocks
-  pink or purple yard decorations
- pineapple door knocker, or other decoration of the pineapple variety
- pink flamingo on the lawn (wait, that WASN'T for Aunt Francine's birthday?)
- Garden gnomes (they've taken over gnomes too? not the gnomes!) 
What about Sponge Bob?
He LIVES in a pineapple. What does that mean? At this point we just don't know, and our researchers have all lost internet privileges here at work trying to Google for answers. Protip: don't Google stuff about Swingers and Sponge Bob at work. 

What a Weird Week Friday 13 January 2023: Get Lucky and Stay Lucky on this Friday the Thirteenth!

Show AudioπŸ”Š
Show BlogsπŸ“Ί
Dear friends-in-Weird,
It's Friday the 13th. Are you superstitious?
As I write this I am covered in garlic butter from head-to-toe while wearing my lucky rabbit feet pajamas. Not because it's Friday the 13th, just coincidentally. 
If you're new to the show, we do a weird-news-of-the-week top ten countdown every Friday. We put all the links, videos, and photos to these stories in a show notes blog at (
You can Listen to the Episode Audio and Subscribe to the podcast!

Now here are the show notes for Fri 13 January 2023, Season 4 Episode 15 ...
❿Headline: Another Weird World Record... Elon Musk's newest world record is for losing more money than anyone ever has.

- this a legit record from the folks at Guiness World Records...
- Forbes magazine says that Elon Musk has lost around $182 billion since November 2021... it could be more...
- this shatters the old world record of most money lost by a person which was ~58 bilion and something.
- According to Forbes, Elon's net worth dropped from $320 billionish in November 2021 to around $137 billion last week.
- This happened for the most part after Elon announced that he was buying Twitter.
- the Guinness World Records people say Elon will bounce back.
- btw, Elon Musk is still the second-richest person on the planet. Right now the richest person in the world is Bernard Arnault of France. He's associated with companies/brands like Louis Vuitton.and has around $190 billion net worth.

Link/media: (

❾Headline: Mysterious Sea Creature Caught on Video in North Carolina...

- The folks at Chaisin’ Tails Outdoors, which is a bait shop in Atlantic Beach, put a video on their Facebook and it looks like a whale to me... or a sturgeon... or a sea serpent of old...
- I don't think we'll know the truth until the Discovery Channel dedicates an entire week into researching this mystery.
- Yes, I'm proposing Seprpent Week you guys.
- Suggested Slogan: "The Truth is Out There... and it's Wet... and Serpent Like."
- special shoutout to the folks at Southern Living for their coverage of this story and ending the piece with "Whatever this animal is, we hope it gets to wherever it’s going safely!" One love, you guys.

Link/media: story at ( and video at (
and here's the video embed,,,

❽Headline: Pooch says 'Hold my beer and watch this, human!'*
(citation needed. dog may not have been drinking beer at the time)

- a dog named Balu set the skipping/ jump rope record... 32 successful rope jumps in 30 seconds.
- These were standing-on-hind-legs style jumps.
- Balus' human partner is a fellow named Wolfgang, so I guess he also deserves a little bit of credit.
- Wolfgang (human) has his name on a bunch World Records with dogs... he's a dog trainer.

Link/media: ( and video embed ...

❼Headline: Car Insurance Company is not responsible for STI... at least not yet...

- hoooo boy this story is a cautionary tale...
- a lady who contracted an sti after a night of in-car passion got a settlement with a guy's auto insurance company in a lower court... so initially she won...
- The Missouri Supreme Court overturned an earlier  ruling that had awarded the woman.
$5.2 million.
- The insurance company said that this case did not involve normal use of the vehicle...
- Missouri Supreme Court sent the case back to the lower court, so to be continued.
- Will this end up causing our insurance rates to increase!? Or will it be extra coverage that you'll have to buy? Love Coverage©? Loverage©!?

Link/media: (
❻Headline: Bacon Solves 20,000 year old mystery...

- Inspirational!
- a guy named Bacon has solved a mystery that was tens of thousands of years old...
- His name is Ben Bacon and his day job isn't solving mysteries, it's restoring furniture... but he took a crack at the cave painting mystery anyway and he cracked it!
- the mystery was Why did Ice Age people draw cave paintings?
- Ben noticed these dots in the cave paintings and thought maybe they were used to keep track of the stars/ use the paintings like a calendar...
- eventually a team of experts got in on this theory and now... mystery solved! Those cave paintings were used to keep track of the lunar calendar to help cave people know when the best times to hunt were...
- Cave paintings of different animals have been found in caves all over the place but until Ben the furniture guy's idea, the experts didn't know what these dots and marks were for... now the experts think they refer to the lunar calendar and essentially when it should be hunting season!

Link/media: (

❺Headline: Cute Bunny is Worst Car Thief in the World!

- Mechanics at a car place in Florida were doing an oil change, heard a noise, used their phone's camera to see what was going on down there in the motor mount area...
- It was a bunny rabbit.
- bunny was rescued and proceeded to run around the shop.

Link/media: ( and video embed...

❹Headline: Delicious Bread for Miles!

- Shoutout to the students and staff of Universidad Vizcaya in the Mexican state of Baja California on this delicious World Record!
- Their world record is for a very, VERY long loaf of Three Kings (Rosca de Reyes) bread that was 2.8 miles long.
- it took over 5 tons of flour to make the world's Longest Bread Line.
- they put 30,000 plastic dolls in that enormous loaf of bread, which is the tradition.
- see more about Three Kings Day/ Epiphany Bread/ Rosca de Reyes here (

Link/media: ( and video link ( and video embed...

❸Headline: Return of the King! Now he's a licensed sausalogist. (I'm trying that one out... sausalogist... it sounds too much like he's a sauce doctor maybe...)

- David Rush has been mentioned on this show a bunch because he sets weird world records... over 250 Guinness World Records so far...
- He does this to promote STEM education, but I think he must be getting a charge out of being the greatest of all time at these things also. At some point you must crave the adrenaline rush you get from setting world records. This time around he's the mouth-catching sausage king of the world.
- This time around he was joined by "Hollywood" Hannon.
-  to take on the record for farthest throw and catch of a sausage roll into the mouth.
- Hannon threw the sausage rolls for Davis Rush to catch in his mouth. Like a pooch. He caught one at a distance of almost 84 feet and that shatters the old world record!
- 84 feet is a good throw. Let's be clear, this record would not have been set without the sausage-tossing capabilities of Hollywood Hannon... full credit.

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πŸ†Headline: We're supposed to eat our Christmas Tree.

- according to "Top chefs" we should be eating the tree instead of just throwing it away like a chump...
- so this is one of those after-the-holidays news stories that got a lil attention where they quote some Michelin Star winning chefs saying you should eat your Christmas tree. If you have an organic tree you might want to look into this if you are very hungry.
- I am not a nutritionist but I am unwilling to try a big brimming bowl of pine needles until they are looked into more vigorously.
- will your breath smell like toilet bowl cleaner after??

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❷Headline: (direct from the Today Show because they wrote the perfect headline you guys) "River of melted butter spills into Wisconsin canal after fire at dairy plant!"

- story says that "Firefighters on the scene were up to their knees in melted butter trying to get up the steps of the dairy..."
- they describe a molten river of butter flowing into the Portage Canal...
- no cheese was involved in the dairy meltdown incident...
- it seems as though the fire began in a butter storage area and... good night Irene!
- firefighters had to deal with all that slip-slidey melted butter!
- people in the neighborhood reported smelling delicious melted butter...
- no injuries reported
- the next day there were big hunks of butter floating in that canal.

Link/media: ( and tweet embed...

❶Headline: Miracle Plankton will save us all from disease and future generations, you're gonna live FOREVAH! *citation needed

- researchers have discovered something new in the water and it's something that might not even kill us you guys!
- it's a kind of freshwater plankton that has an appetite for viruses. It eats the bad stuff you guys! That was an unexpected twist for me when I started reading about the new plankton discovery. I just assumed it was gonna be bad news. I was guessing it ate feet. It was a foot-eating plankton, but NO!
- *Citation* I thought we'd go to plankton hospitals all full of viruses and they'd put us in the plankton ward for a few days and then we would leave Virus-free!! Not even close you guys. Not Even Close!! But, still it seems like good news, right? That the plankton doesn't eat feet... that's good news, right? I'm taking the win and ending the show right here.

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Stay lucky out there. Here's the 