The Day After Halloween 2022: Costume and Pumpkin Carving Contest Winners, How to cure your candy hangover, The future of Dumpkins is ???

Scotty note: First things first, I did not win the Company Costume Contest.
Was I robbed by the people from Yellowstone? Yes. Yes I was. (*citation)

my Sen. John Fetterman costume just didn't vibe you guys

Second things second, I did not win the Pumpkin Carving Contest... (#5 won)

and as far as Dumpkins, our break-up-pumpkin-delivery-service? We're not sure if the business will survive. Your donations are vital!!!!

BTW... after the pumpkin contest, I took the pumpkin home and we fixed it up so the whole neighborhood wouldn't be scandalized... 

the "N" was a last-minute addition

Finally, Some tips on Candy Hangovers...
🍬 If you have a candy hangover today consider eating pineapple... "The tropical fruit contains enzymes that aid digestion and break down proteins that usually cause bloat and also contains 180 milligrams of bloat-busting potassium per cup. Researchers have also found that pineapple can reduce colonic inflammation that may be leading to that distended stomach." (via other things to try if you have a candy hangover include: 1) have more candy and 2) try someone else's candy to see if it has healing properties. *citation needed*