What a Weird Week Podcast Season 4! All the world leaders should jump in the Lake #podcast

The top ten weird stories from the news. Listen to the episode HERE.
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10 Prime Minister of Canada Bungee Jumps from the biggest drop in the nation.
- This happened at a place called Morrison’s Quarry in Quebec.
- He got his beautiful head of hair wet.
- You're not gonna get this with 99% of world leaders. They just wouldn't be allowed to do it. Some wouldn't survive the excitement.

9 There are bunch of things to check out in the sky this month
(first full week of October 2022)
* Oct 8th, it's the best view of Mercury that you're gonna get in a long time
(but all month, before sunrise you'll be able to see Merc
"As a morning star, it appears in the eastern sky, rising about an hour before the sun.
There must be a clear, unobstructed horizon..."
* Also Oct 8th to 10th is the Draconid Meteor Shower in early evening.
"meteors fly every which way through the starry sky". Later in October s the Orionid Meteor Shower.
*The full “Hunter's Moon” is Sunday, October 9, 2022.
Other names include “Dying Grass Moon”, “Travel Moon”, and the "Pepito's Hawt Sauce Moon" (sponsored by Pepito's Hot Sauce)

*Before Halloween there's a partial solar eclipse... but only visible in the northern hemisphere in Africa/Asia/ Europe.

8 Headline (from Sky News) "Cheating scandal rocks competitive fishing world after weights found in Ohio catches"
- this happened at the Lake Erie Walleye Trail tournament in Ohio.
- first place is a $30,000 prize.
- it looks like some competitors put ball bearings or something in the fish they caught so now it's all being investigated by Ohio's Department of Natural Resources.
Love this quote: "Footage from the weigh-in shows tournament director Jason Fischer open up a catch before shouting: "We got weights in fish!""
So many fish puns in the story!!

7 Headline: Lantern Flies need to be squashed
ICYMI, Lantern Flies are attempting a land and air invasion of the USA and local gvernment has put a bounty on them.
That's it, that's the story.

6 Headline: "Meet the Purple M&M, the newest “spokescandy” for the Mars brand. She’s a peanut M&M and is the latest effort in a continuing rebrand by the company to reach out to young consumers."
Gist: the new color is meant to indicate inclusiveness and brands want to be thought of as inclusive and welcoming... even if it's a cartoon rendering of a candy... food brands need to taste good and also be a good person.

5 Headline: “John Paul College student banned from school grounds because of ‘unsuitable’ mullet haircut”
This school in Australian disagrees with a kid's mullet and thinks he needs to do something about it before being allowed back on school grounds...
This is a school with a uniform and a dress code and the mullet is in violation... this is one of those things that becomes a freedom of expression issue for some people, a “kids these days need to have more respect” issue for some, and a “it really is a terrible and/ or incredible haircut” for others...
Also, every story about this has a ton of mullet photos, but none of the actual kid... maybe over privacy concerns... but they do interview his hairdresser. She seems nice.

And (https://www.kalminer.com.au/news/regional/john-paul-college-students-hairdresser-weighs-in-on-mullet-controversy-c-8288157)

4 Headline: “New evidence suggests presence of underground lake on Mars”
Gist: Scientists have wondered about it for a few years and new evidence supports the idea of a an 18 mile lake under the Martian South Pole. And it's liquid , you guys! (they think. It's because of geothermal heat)
So what does it mean?
Liquid water on Mars might mean that there's life on Mars... and it's something human space travelers could exploit some day... always find the next thing to exploit, right you guys? This story makes me crave Mars Bars, so you win Mars Candy Company.

3 Headline: "McDonald’s Happy Meals for adults won’t come to the UK - and fans are devastated"
Gist: McDonald's is doing Happy Meals for grownups and we all want them... but then we found out it's just a USA thing.
Kind of a fun promotion... "limited edition boxes, each one containing a Big Mac or nuggets, fries, a drink and one of four collectible figurines."
What would you want in your happy meal? You could rip off that idea and start a Happy Meal food truck with boxed meals and cool prizes...
If you had happy meals with little bottles of booze that'd be popular... other ideas: tiny chia pets, a bottle of hot sauce, lock picking kit?

2 Headline: "Stolen Table Cloth recovered." (see, THAT's why I shouldn't be writing headlines.) The San Fran Chronicle tweeted this out... "They were eating prime rib and Yorkshire pudding. John Lennon drew an elaborate sunset in yellow crayon; Joan Baez and Paul McCartney sketched detailed faces."
Gist: It's a story about a tablecloth that went missing after the Beatles sketched on it and signed it in 1966... this was just before what would be their final live American ticketed event... happened in San Francisco. All the Beatles had some kind of artwork on that thing (very unique) but it got stolen... just a few days later somebody took it from the window of the catering company.
Then, 50-something years later, the caterer's grandson got a mysterious phone call... "did your family used to have a catering business in San Francisco?"
So the caterer's family got the table cloth back, and they think it might get $25000 at auction.

1 Headline: "Google prototypes, open sources an extra-long keyboard with one row of keys"
Gist: The headline says it all... even if you don't have a chance to see the photo you can picture it... a very long, one-row keyboard that probably takes two people to handle...
so who would use this? No one. I didn't know that Google Japan has done this before - they release silly keyboard concepts. Like if keyboards was a whole sub-genre of comedy... like if prop comic sensation, Carrot Top did a set that was only computer keyboards... so that's why this keyboard prototype exists... for comedy.
Google does say you could 3D print your own...