What a Weird Week Podcast for Fri Oct 28, 2022: The one with the CatSwap© and the newest Robot to be scared of

What a Weird Week Podcast: the top 10 weird stories from the news. Listen to the Episode Audio and Subscribe to the podcast! Here are the show notes for Fri Oct 28, 2022, Season 4 Episode 4 ...
❿ Headline: "Instagram’s Testing a New Option Which Would Enable You to Add a Song to Your Profile"
- This will be annoying if the people you have on Insta have terrible taste in music... and let's face it, they do.
- The stress of picking the right song for YOUR profile will be great... wil you be able to stay in the Cool Person Zone or drift into Cringe Territory?! Too Much Pressure!
❾ Headline: "Archer Lars Andersen set a new Guiness World Record for the most consecutive arrows shot through a keyhole (less than 10 mm wide.)"
- If you don't do metric, a marble is about 10mm across.
- it's bonkers!!

❽ Headline: "Female dogs judge their owners when they make mistakes"
- "It turns out they’re quietly judging" (study).
- they had people screw up opening a can of dog food and watched the dogs... the female dogs were very judgy while the male dogs were less so.
- if you're a terrible person who wants to become a half-decent person, you should get a female dog because they judge you when you're selfish/ do dumb stuff/ etc.
- "female dogs see a smart human and want to be around them, while avoiding their “dimmer” friends who can’t even open a jar."
- TV show idea: Judge Judy except Judy is a pooch!


❼ Headline: 'Laundry-folding Robot breaks folding record'/ or 'Today clothes, tomorrow human rib cages?'
- yes it would be awesome to never have to fold clothes again, but let's not be hasty... we let these super-folding robots into our homes then they start folding US you guys!
- yes I'm a little obsessed with the robot uprising.
- it doesn't mean I'm wrong.
- Important Note is that this robot can't beat the fastest human folders in the world, it's just the fastest folding robot in the world... but it's just a matter of time you guys #guardUP
- there is some intense robot science going on behind the scenes for these robot feats... btw, I'm not saying all robots are bad... I'm sure some will remain loyal when the uprising begins...


❻ Headline: "Man admits to swapping wife’s cat years ago and she still hasn’t realized"
- this guy just wanted to get it off his chest...
- story got picked up from a SubReddit called "True Off My Chest" actually!
- idk why the story's getting picked up now b/c it's older... but you gotta figure that every week that goes by this fella must be waiting to be found out...
- the wife's first cat was a mean, scratchy cat... so when the lady was out of town the man took the mean cat to a shelter and traded for a similar-looking cat that was nicer.
- six years later he told everybody on Reddit.
- his wife still doesn't know.

Link/media: https://taboolanews.com/article/3a439050-ca31-9b20-4cbf-6f19d6bc8fc4?utm_source=taboola&utm_medium=taboola_news&dc_data=20395441_samsung-carnival-canada 

❺ Headline: NASA announces the team members for its UFO study
- 16 researchers have officially begun their work of studying UAPs)/ UFOs for NASA.
- list includes former astronauts and sciencey-types.
- the investigation is supposed to last for nine months.
- where they will be getting their data is from "civilian government entities, commercial data, and data from other sources." What does that even mean? Emails and phone calls?
- they're not even gonna be based on the moon? No secret moon base office?? #disappointed!

Link/media: https://www.npr.org/2022/10/22/1130755578/nasa-ufo-study-team-members

❹ Headline: (from Reader's Digest) "Human-Sized Dog Beds are Real and They're a Surprisingly Great Way to Snuggle Your Pup."
- Reader's Digest does it again! Maybe a lot of people wouldn't use it as a source for their podcast but I think RD is delightful.
- who hasn't looked at a dog bed at the store and thought "I wish MY bed was that comfy-looking." Now they have giant dog beds that are big enough for a human and a dog to share!
- Bonus: if your dog doesn't like the new giant dog bed, you can keep it for yourself and the dog can have your bed.
- more from the article: "Plufl human dog beds are made with four-inch thick memory and orthopedic foam mattress. They include a plush pillow border made with a cushy blend of natural cotton and poly fibers and are big enough for two adults (or just you and your dog) to have the best nap ever... Plufl human dog beds are easily portable thanks to their built-in handles and foldable design."
WAIT, DID I JUST GET TRICKED INTO READING AN AD FOR HUMAN/ DOG BEDS?!!! You win again, Reader's Digest. *Do you think they sell a lot of these to the 'furry" community?

Link/media: https://www.rd.com/article/human-dog-beds/

❸ Headline: (for non Swifties) Taylor Swift is some kind of secret code machine!?
- new record came out on Oct 21 (that may not have been on your radar, but the Swifties all had countdowns on their phone.) It is breaking World Records. (https://twitter.com/GWR/status/1585187224437420033?s=20&t=Z6DVa2NF-n-rmSW0j5Gs9A).
- also maybe not on your radar is how Taylor Swift has all these secret things going on in her songs and on all her artistic endeavors...
- at time of recording this is just Swifty Speculation, but the Swifties think that one of Taylor Swift's songs has a secret baby name in it... her friend's Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds have a baby on the way and the Swifty Sleuths say Daisy Mae could be that baby's name based on clues in the song "You're on Your Own Kid".
- on behalf of non-Swifties, we didn't know about all the super secret spy stuff/ is Taylor Swift an operative?

❷ Headline: "I was wrong about the pudding!" or "It was mashed potatoes!"
- another painting masterpiece has been vandalize in the name of saving the planet.
- last week we reported on the soupening where climate protesters threw what looked like Heinz Tomato Soup on a van Gogh painting.
- I had predicted the next major event would involve pudding but I was wrong... it was mashed potatoes on a Monet this week.
- whether you agree with what these protesters are doing or you disagree with their actions, we all can agree on this... the mashed potatoes were way too runny.
- the Monet painting is worth 96 MILLION!
- the mashed Monet is the one I would call 'Haystacks' (Les Meules in the article).
- happened in Germany.
- these protesters are from a different organization than last week's Tomato Soup Team, but they have the same methods... they also Crazy-glued themselves to the floor after the Mashing.
- They are trying to save the earth through targeted acts of vandalism and mischief or public spectacle because it gets people's attention and they want climate change to get more attention.
- the painting was not damaged (they tend to keep these masterpieces behind glass these days.)

๐Ÿ† Headline: (Honorable Mention)
They have elevators at the Grand Canyon. or Tourists trapped after elevator breaks down at Grand Canyon.
- again, having never been there I was surprised to learn of the elevators at the Grand Canyon. You mean I don't have to rent a pack mule to get to the caverns?
- a few people were able to escape by using the stairs. Wait, they had stairs? Yes, yes they did. But not everybody was able to do the stairs and make the 200 foot ascent... so some people were stranded down there for almost 30 hours...
- it gets better... the four people who remained stranded in the cavern spent the night in a hotel suite! They have Cavern Hotel Suites at the Grand Canyon you guys.
- How it ended: authorities were able to "pull three people up in a rescue harnesses... One man walked out on his own."
- That's why this is just an honorable mention... it started quite heroic, but it ended in a top notch hotel stay for the stranded people... no offense to them... I would also chose the hotel suite... it's just not as flashy as idk, building a ladder out of your enemies or something???

Link/media: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/grand-canyon-caverns-people-rescued-arizona/

❶ Headline: "Record-breaking chip can transmit entire internet's traffic per second... a lot of data way fast"
- not sure if I care about about this incredibly fast chip that will be a game changer for us all... or if I saw chip and got hungry... because I gave up potato chips as my New Year's Resolution and I am still off chips you guys!
- yes many people bet against me.
- yes I am defying the snack odds.
- Oh wait, the microchip story...  
- this is a new world record for fast data transfer...
- 1.84 petabits per second is nearly twice the amount of global internet traffic per second...
- the researchers say they'll be able to get to 100 petabits per second with this technology some day.
- incredibly fast data transfer will change the world in many ways, but especially in how much extra time podcasters will have because uploading content is so fast... we'll be able to spend time with our families again you guys!

Link/media: https://newatlas.com/telecommunications/optical-chip-fastest-data-transmission-record-entire-internet-traffic


stream like a streaming freak!!