What a Weird Week for Fri Oct 21,2022: The Movie that's Taking Down Horror Fans! and the guy who's allergic to ... um... lovin' #Podcast


What a Weird Week Podcast: the top 10 weird stories from the news. Listen to the Episode Audio and Subscribe to the podcast! Here are the show notes for Fri Oct 21, 2022, Season 4 Episode 3 ...

❿ Headline: "New Horror Movie Causing Reports of Fans Passing Out and Vomiting in Theaters"

Gist: Terrifier 2 (SCM /scary clown movie) is so gross and terrifying that there have been reports of people passing out and being unable to keep down their movie theatre nachos and enormous soft drinks. Did Stephen King tweet about this movie because he liked it and wanted to give it attention, or to point out that it's kind of similar to the IT movie?

Quote from story: "My friend just threw up and then passed out. I've counted five walk outs so far. I'm loving it."

Link/media: https://comicbook.com/horror/news/terrifier-2-horror-movie-reports-fans-passing-out-vomiting/?dc_data=10171050_samsung-carnival-canada&utm_source=taboola&utm_medium=taboola_news&ui=887debba8a88d8ec350fdf91bdc9c449c8f74a6520e15e10923d10bb303da669 

❾ Headline: "Dead Creatures Buried in The Ocean Could Influence Earthquakes, Scientists Say"

Gist: I do not like the uncertainty of all this... something so small could be connected to earthquakes? It's like the Butterfly Effect Theory where every little thing is connected, except it's not a Hollywood blockbuster it's research by scientists...  in New Zealand, there is a fault zone that can cause "megathrust earthquakes" ... so magnitudes 8 or higher... now research seems to indicate that this megathrust earthquake zone might be impacted by teeny, tiny, marine fossils...
- deposits of calcite that came from lil teeny tiny marine organisms millions of years ago "can control the level of movement and friction between the Pacific plate and the Australia plate."
- The article gets into predicting big ol' earthquakes
The Takeaway: little things, you guys. Little things matter.
Link/media: https://www.sciencealert.com/dead-creatures-buried-in-the-ocean-could-influence-earthquakes-scientists-say?dc_data=1731639_samsung-carnival-canada&utm_source=taboola&utm_medium=taboola_news&ui=887debba8a88d8ec350fdf91bdc9c449c8f74a6520e15e10923d10bb303da669

❽ Headline: Grown-up Happy Meals are so successful that they're a disaster!!

Gist: These were Happy Meals with grown-up portions of delicious McDonald's food with a grown-up prize/ action figure. Of course they were popular... we love everything they're about: 1) delicious fast food, 2) surprises, 3) and boxes. They should've known this was gonna be a home run. According to the article, stores got frantically busy because of these Grown-up Happy Meals... then when they started to run out at different McDonald's locations, people got frustrated... customers and employees (according to the article.) If you're a hard-working McDonald's employee, you don't want another reason for customers to be angry.   
*from the article: "Adult happy meals come with toys designed by a streetwear company called the Cactus Plant Flea Market"

Link/Media: https://www.cookist.com/mcdonalds-workers-are-complaining-about-adult-happy-meals/?dc_data=19639036_samsung-carnival-canada&utm_source=taboola&utm_medium=taboola_news&ui=887debba8a88d8ec350fdf91bdc9c449c8f74a6520e15e10923d10bb303da669

❼ Headline: Tomato Soup Attack Saves Planet... or... "Has Climate Action Gone Too Far?"

Gist: First of all, that's how you write a headline when you don't have enough time to figure out which side of the argument you should be on..."Has Climate Action Gone Too Far?" Just ask a question! This is about the latest act of vandalism by people who are worried that no one is paying attention to climate change... this time it was a tomato soup attack on a Van Gogh masterpiece...

- happened at National Gallery in London
- the souped painting was Van Gogh's ‘Sunflowers’
- the soup in question may have been Heinz*
- in the video it appears as though the two protesters also crazy-glued their hands to the wall under the painting
- the painting was behind glass so it's gonna be OK
- They want the UK government to stop all new oil and gas projects, or else the masterpieces will continued to be souped or worse... puddinged? *just a guess

Watch the YouTube Video:

Link/media: https://globalnews.ca/news/9200649/damaging-a-masterpiece-has-climate-action-gone-too-far/?dc_data=6803439_samsung-carnival-canada&utm_source=taboola&utm_medium=taboola_news&ui=887debba8a88d8ec350fdf91bdc9c449c8f74a6520e15e10923d10bb303da669

❻ Headline: "Edmonton man now holds the Guinness World Record for having the largest collection of Lego Star Wars sets."

Gist:This made the National News in Canada... a guy who was able to buy and store a lot of Star Wars Lego was the good news story we needed I guess... after all that bad publicity they got when they fired Lisa LaFlamme maybe?? Just a theory.
- Frederick Oliver is the Guinness World Record holder.
- he has 858 Lego Star Wars sets.
- the Star Wars Lego is woth $150,000.
- ALL of the Lego he has is worth around $300,000!!

Link/media: https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/from-therapy-to-a-new-passion-lego-star-wars-superfan-earns-world-record-1.6109950

❺ Headline: *Trigger Warning! Kitty Cat is OK* "Contractor Accidentally Sealed Cat Inside of Drywall Where the Poor Animal was Stuck for Three Days"

Gist:She hired a drywall guy who finished the drywalling while the lady was away from home. She heard her cat meowing but couldn't find the little doobie.
Finally she realized the cat was dry-walled in and she had to bust a hole in the wall.
There's an episode of "It's Always Sunny" where that happened and they just kept putting more cats into the wall to lead the first cat out... well, apparently that is NOT what you're supposed to do.
The cat is OK, and the video has 3 million views or something like that, so the cat gets to come out of the wall and enjoy some fame!
Link/media: https://www.onegreenplanet.org/animals/contractor-accidentally-sealed-cat-inside-of-drywall-where-the-poor-animal-was-stuck-for-three-days/?dc_data=17541644_samsung-carnival-canada&utm_source=taboola&utm_medium=taboola_news&ui=887debba8a88d8ec350fdf91bdc9c449c8f74a6520e15e10923d10bb303da669

❹ Headline: Giant Bread Han Solo #PanSolo #HanRoll-O

Gist: two bakers in California were trending this week because they made a life-size Star Wars character out of bread.
- Bread Han Solo is made to look like the scene in Empire Strikes Back where Han Solo is trapped in Carbonite.
- He is at the One House Bakery in Benicia, California.
- the bread artists are a Mom and daughter team
- this is part of a Fall Festival/ Harvest Festival thing where they live
- this is not to eat, but more like a biodegradable sculpture
- to eat the entire statue would be somewhere around 7000 Weight Watcher Points or 214800 calories (estimation/ consult your dietician)
Link/media: https://www.npr.org/2022/10/17/1129434696/2-california-bakers-create-a-life-sized-han-solo-out-of-bread    

❸ Headline: "Bizarre blue blobs hover in Earth's atmosphere in stunning astronaut photo. But what are they?" (Live Science article)
Gist: Blue Blobs in Outer Space. BLUE BLOBS IN OUTER SPACE!!
- "An astronaut onboard the ISS recently captured a peculiar image of Earth with two unrelated blue blobs of light shining in the planet's atmosphere." (Live Science article)
- image captured last year
one blob was identified as a big ol' lightning strike in the Gulf of Thailand - they can't usually see lightning strikes from the Space Station
- the other blue blob (blueb?) was "warped light from the moon."
Mystery solved you guys!

Link/media: https://www.livescience.com/astronaut-blue-blob-pair-atmosphere?dc_data=14662357_samsung-carnival-canada&utm_source=taboola&utm_medium=taboola_news  



❷ Headline:  The Coffee Shop that Charges Rude People More!

Gist: The headline says it all.
- this is a place in the UK
"Those who come in and simply say “desi chai” will be charged £5 per cup, while saying “desi chai please” will cost £3.
The politest customers, those who say “hello, desi chai please”, will get the drink for £1.90."
- I am too poor to be rude.

Link/media:  https://finance.yahoo.com/finance/news/caf-charges-rude-customers-more-094020379.html

polite customer (artist rendering)

⭐Honorable Mention! Headline: Sax Man Saxes his Saxophone while getting Brain Surgery!

Gist: This guy in Italy had a brain tumor removed in a nine hour, complicated surgery and the whole time he played sax because he didn't want to lose his saxiness.
- He played the theme to Love Story among other sax gems.
- playing music is one of the greatest things to do during brain surgery! It helped the surgeon do quality brain mapping. Also, I bet it hurried the surgery along when the patient started playing the Benny Hill Theme.  
- operation seemed to go well... he had the procedure on a Monday and was released that Thursday...
Link/media: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/saxophone-surgery-brain-tumor-italy-awake-neurosurgery/ 

⭐Honorable Mention! Headline: Netflix announces the time frame for cheaters to pay the price!

Gist: This is about people who share their login info with freeloaders...
- Netflix said it this way: “Finally, we’ve landed on a thoughtful approach to monetize account sharing and we’ll begin rolling this out more broadly starting in early 2023."
- if you or someone you know is a freeloader they will give you a chance to transfer your Netflix profile into your own account or make an Extra Member Account and start paying for the freeloader (who then would become just a 'loader' I guess?)
- Netflix hasn't said how much the extra member option will cost, but where they've tested this out (Latin America) it is about a quarter of a basic account... so for most people that's 3 or 4 bucks extra.

 Link: https://www.unilad.com/news/netflix-subscription-fees-uk-extra-users-20221019?source=twittermoments

❶ Headline: *PG13*
The guy who was allergic to... idk how to say it you guys... getting to the finish line? happy endings? taking the first exit into Love Town... ?

Gist:  From the article:
"In a recent case study, doctors describe the unfortunate tale of a man who developed an allergy-like reaction to his own orgasms. The bizarre and rare affliction left him unable to pursue sexual and romantic relationships. But thankfully, the doctors managed to treat his problem using a simple over-the-counter antihistamine."
Also: "The condition is known as postorgasmic illness syndrome, or POIS.
Sufferers (almost always men) experience symptoms similar to hay fever or a flu following *doin the deed*... such as fatigue, itchy eyes, stuffy or runny nose, and even memory problems. These symptoms appear after every or nearly every orgasm, usually within seconds but sometimes up to hours later, and they can last anywhere from two to seven days."

Link/media:  https://gizmodo.com/man-allergic-to-orgasms-antihistamine-1849654242