What a Weird Week Fri May 6th 2022: Flying Cars and the Dog ate my Passport!

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Thanks for checking out What a Weird Week, the Top Ten Weird Things from this  week's news. This is episode 3.32
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Here's the Top Ten... 

❿ The first flying car airport in the world is in the UK...
- it's kind of a Pop-Up airport because they wanted to show how fast a flying car airport could get up and running (built in 15 months)
- it's a 3 hour drive away from the city (I thought we'd be landing our flying cars in our own front yards so this is disappointing)

❾ Space Murder now against the law for Canadian Astronauts...
In a disappointing turn of events for anyone who hoped to be able to get away with space murders, would-be space assassins now cannot murder people in outer space without repercussions.
Until now There was a loophole in Canadian law which, in theory, meant that Canadians who committed a crime while in space or on the moon, might not be not subject to earth laws.
This is really about getting in front of the Lunar Orbit project that Canada will be involved in where a permanent space station will go into orbit around the moon... so the new law will make the moon, space, and rockets on their way to space, all fall under the same law as here on earth. Sorry Ponzi-scheme astronauts, but it's about to get a LOT harder to run your Ponzi scheme from space...
Props to Calgary Herald for the amazing headline: "Canadian astronauts no longer free to rob and kill with abandon in space or on the moon".

❽ Weird Mars lights...
- scientists have known about Weird lights on Mars for years
- this new discovery is just way bigger than they've seen before and they say it looks a little like an enormous snake twisting up from the planet into the sky
- it's thousands of miles long
- the light is behaving strangely, maybe because Mars has a Weird magnetic field

❼ another new Coke flavor that tries to assign a certain taste to something intangible... The new release is flavour aimed at gamers and they call it called Coca-Cola Byte.  It has a fruity flavor. LINK

❻ Reminder: We live in a world where someone can lose 13 billion dollars in an afternoon and still be one of the richest people in the universe...
That's what happened to Jeff Bezos. Amazon stock lost value, so he lost 13 billion in an afternoon the other day... he lost more than that overall as the stock kept moving, but the 13 Billion in an Afternoon had a ring to it and a lot of news outlets went with that headline. 
- Jeff Bezos is still a Richie Rich Person, so no GoFundMe accounts have been set up yet. 
- at peak Billionaire status last year, he had around $210 billion.
- if you're keeping score, Elon is the richest person and Bezos is second place.

❺ Our shortest story ever - the most popular emoji is...
The Laughing-and-Crying emoji. 😂
The Guinness Book of World Records folks shared that this week...

❹ The dog who ate a lady's passport just before she was supposed to travel to someone's wedding...
- sure, blame the dog
- dog's name is Prince
- it looks like the lady (Sophia) will miss her friend's wedding in Cyprus and lose over £800... so now I believe her
- Sophia was supposed to fly out on May 11th
- She says even if by some miracle she can get a new passport by then, she won't be able to get a dog sitter because her family hates her awful dog!

❸ Who falls for Fake News? Not you, right?
A Study this week that took a look at Fake News had a couple surprises...
- older people are no more likely to fall for fake news than any other age category *until you're over 70... folks that age did a little worse in the study
- study looked at college-aged kids and people 61-87 years old
- Which group picked out fake news most consistently? It was basically a tie between the two groups
- both groups did worse at picking out fake Covid news and did better at picking out fake every day news...

❷ College grads are guessing wrong about starting salaries...
- People graduating from college in the US will average a salary of ~ $50,000.
- People graduating from college in the US THINK that they'll be making an average salary of ~ $103,880 for their first job.
I say aim big, college grads!
When I graduated radio school and got my first job I had to pay them*
*citation needed

Honorable Mentions:
*Followup* Dolly gets into the Rock and Roll Hall After all!
- she had declined the nomination
- the Rock Hall people said "oops... we already sent out the ballots!"
- people voted for her

Honorable Mentions:
Another Comedian Accosted on-stage! #Chapelle
Everybody reported this, no need for further comment by me... somebody tried to tackle Dave Chapelle on-stage at the Hollywood Bowl... #securitybreach... that person who rushed the stage got beat up then handcuffed and taken away by ambulance... the guy had a gun-knife... a knife that looked like a handgun...
There aren't very many swear-free tweets about what happened so I guess I'll just share the E! News story... 

❶ NHLer Louis Domingue is the backup goalie for the Penguins. Their playoff game went into overtime the other night... Louis wasn't playing... so he ate some spicy pork... then, moments later the starting goalie got hurt and Louis had to go in the game... Penguins won the game thanks largely to Louis and the spicy pork he ate... because he used to play Junior in the City where we do our Radio Show, we had to take a moment to give credit to Louis... and the Pork Industry...

