What a Weird Week Podcast for April 3, 2022 - Grilled Cheese Sandwich Art!

Thanks for checking out the What a Weird Week Podcast! - a countdown of the Top Ten Weird Things from the week's news. This is episode 3.27. 
For Full Show Notes and Podcast Links see (www.Shownotes.page).
link to the BBC podcast about the war in Ukraine - if you want to understand what's happening there, it is a good way to get informed. It's called Ukrainecast (https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0bqztzm) ... ways to help  Ukraine (https://www.scottyandtony.com/2022/03/here-are-ways-to-support-ukraine.html)

Now here's this week's Top Ten...

10 Peanut Butter Burger launched by Burger King South Korea...

9 Robot Dog roaming the streets being terrifying...
(photo too scary to show)

8 Those earphones that also filter the air you breathe...

7 The escaped flamingo seems to be flourishing! Take that, zoo!

6 Will Smith/ Chris Rock was a week ago you guys?! I have slap overload.

5 The worm invasion is happening...

4 10-year-old opera singer gets in Guinness Book of World Records...

3 They've finally mapped the complete human genome.
They are currently trying to re-fold the map. 

2 Those grilled cheese sandwich paintings that are trending...

1 Quantum tech and charging electric cars in a few minutes? Sign me up!  

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