What a Weird Week Monday 11 April 2022: Air Meat and Fishmatics

Thanks for checking out the What a Weird Week Podcast, a countdown of the Top Ten Weird Things in the News. This is episode 3.28
For Full Show Notes and Podcast Links see (www.Shownotes.page).

BBC podcast about the war in Ukraine - if you want to understand what's happening there, it is a good way to get informed. It's called Ukrainecast (https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0bqztzm) ... ways to help  Ukraine (https://www.scottyandtony.com/2022/03/here-are-ways-to-support-ukraine.html)

Here's the Top Ten... 

10 Invisibility Shield is here...

9 Vanilla for the Win...

8 Cannabis health benefits research shows promise...

7 Whopper size court case in Fla?

6 Fish Math!
5 What is Pixel Coke?

4 Beer Flavour Drops...

3 Advertising in Dust? #Dustvertising

2 Air Meat!

1 The Truth about Dryers!


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