What a Weird Week Mon Apr 18 2022: Easter Monday, still Weird Things to report like How to Win at Wordle, and How to Win Ten Million Dollars with Rude People!!

Thanks for checking out the What a Weird Week Podcast, a countdown of the Top Ten Weird Things in the News from the Week that was. This is episode 3.29
I took Sunday off for Easter, but I'm liking this Monday release schedule a lot because it gives me an extra couple days of Weirdness before finalizing the Top Ten... 

For Full Show Notes and Podcast Links see (www.Shownotes.page).

BBC podcast about the war in Ukraine - if you want to understand what's happening there, it is a good way to get informed. It's called Ukrainecast (https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0bqztzm) ... ways to help  Ukraine (https://www.scottyandtony.com/2022/03/here-are-ways-to-support-ukraine.html)

Here's the Top Ten... 

10 world's oldest dog gets in the Guinness Book...
His name is Toby Keith and he's a Chihuahua who's 21 years old.
9 Wordle has revealed what the best word is to start your game... *Spoiler* it's Crane. Btw, the solution has never been Crane.
8 Harvard astrophysicist continues to be true believer...
An article came out this week featuring Avi Loeb from Harvard. The article was about how he number-crunched data from 2014...  Avi believes the thing that burned up over Papua New Guinea back then was a half-ton meteor... or maybe spacecraft... that came from outside our solar system. This is all based on the data... Speed and trajectory and that type of thing. So a few years ago the scientific community dismissed that theory, but the reason it's being reported again is because somebody  with the United States Space Force confirmed Avi Loeb's math was correct. Other scientists still aren't convinced. This might partly be based on Avi's theory that if things are arriving from outside our solar system, those things might be alien spacecraft... most of the scientists aren't there yet with the data. Btw, if this is from outside the solar system, it's the first object from there that ever hit earth... even though it burned up in the air it still counts... It was on a collision course... To be continued... https://www.inverse.com/science/interstellar-meteor-2014-discovery

7 Burn your physics textbooks and let's just start from scratch you guys... a few days ago the story started showing up in the feeds about a scientific experiment that contradicts how science thought the universe worked. The experiment was done in Chicago... it involved checking the mass of a tiny particle... and according to all we know now, the mass is wrong. The W boson sub-atomic particle is more massive than would be predicted by the physics formulas and theories that we've been using for years and years. The Standard Model of particle physics had been batting a thousand up until now... so it's been pretty reliable... maybe don't burn your physics textbooks yet... but get some starter fluid and a match ready because this tiny finding could change all the formulas. We're moving on from Einstein if these results are true... his brain will be referred to as "Just a Hat Rack." *Mustache remains magnificent though*
... to be continued 

6 The father-and-son who hung up ten items of clothing and broke the World Record!
I know... I was like, "fellow dads and sons... we are doing pretty awful at household chores if hanging up ten items of clothing is some kinda world record!?" Well it turns out it's how FAST they did it...
Ed (dad) and Rowan hung up ten things in 56.87 seconds to break the record.
- They did it at a pub.
- "The successful record attempt raised money for the British Heart Foundation"

5 the guy in Florida who saw Spiderman: No Way Home at the theatre 292 times... That's a World Record. 
- based on movie length, he was in a theatre for 30 days
- the rules state "no bathroom breaks or falling asleep"
- on some days he watched five showings back-to-back
- think of the money spent!

4 Pabst Blue Ribbon hid kegs on the weekend... Easter Kegs and anyone legal drinking age could find and keep them...
On Saturday they hid kegs in Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Tampa Bay and Portland.
- there was a time limit
- not too many news reports of how it went but there is this one (https://billypenn.com/2022/04/18/pabst-kegg-hunt-philadelphia-easter-fdr-park/) which talks about a "semi-aggressive standoff over an empty barrel covered in pink polka-dots."

3 Irish Spring has this invention for gamers to bathe while still playing their game... it might be *understatement?* a publicity stunt because I think we can all agree that gamers don't bathe. HIIIIYOOOOOOOO!!!! JUST KIDDING, NINJA and other gamers.
- I can't make sense of the photo... it's like some kind of cleaning pod??
- I would enjoy having a reasonably- priced bathing pod, but I'm not a gamer. Do they make one for eating a sandwich? 

2 The person who bought the rights to the first ever Tweet... overpaid... 
We've talked about NFTs before... they are hard to understand at first... Some people say they're an investment... some people say they're art... NFTs are that thing where you buy the rights to something digital like an ugly monkey cartoon... and you have the rights to this virtual thing similar to the way you would a real-life thing that you could hold in your hands... that's an over-simplification but I don't understand it so great... 
Somebody bought Jack Dorsey's (THE Twitter guy) first tweet for close to 3 million dollars awhile ago. The tweet was "just setting up twttr".
That thing went to auction at an initial listing of 48 million dollars... but the closing bid was less. Way less. $238 bucks. Again, original price paid for this thing was almost 3 million... and the closing bid was basically the price of a hair cut and a nice meal out at the Irving Big Stop Restaurant.
The owner decided not to sell.

1 The lady who won 10 million because someone bumped into her...
This was at a lotto ticket vending machine that dishes out scratch tickets... the lady wanted to buy a different one, but some rude customer bumped into and LaQuedra Edwards hit the wrong button...
she usually goes for the cheaper tickets, but bump incident resulted in her buying a $30 Scratcher! She ended up winning 10 million.
She's going to buy a house and start a non-profit!
I hope it's called Bump Up... or something better than that because mine was sort of lame... sorry LaQuedra. You got this.


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