What a Weird Week April 24 2022: What your fave flave of candy says about you! and the new Taylor Swift Bug!!

Thanks for checking out the What a Weird Week Podcast, a countdown of the Top Ten Weird Things in the News from the Week that was. This is episode 3.30
For Full Show Notes and Podcast Links see www.Shownotes.page

BBC podcast about the war in Ukraine - if you want to understand what's happening there, it is a good way to get informed. It's called Ukrainecast (https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0bqztzm) ... ways to help  Ukraine (https://www.scottyandtony.com/2022/03/here-are-ways-to-support-ukraine.html)

Here's the Top Ten... 

❿ What your favourite candy reveals about you...
I like the idea of some sort of therapy or psychological test where they give you candy and then diagnose you...
This research came out just in time for Jelly Bean Day (study was paid for by the folks at Jelly Belly)... 
- Sour Candy? You might be outgoing and sarcastic
- Chocolate? You're optimistic and shy.
- Mint? You are 100% a psychopath. No wait... you're thoughtful. My mistake.
- Lemon candy? Honest.
- Cherry? More likely to be dog person. Also introverted.
- Orange? Most likely to be a volunteer in their free time.
- *Most surprising note... Women are more likely to keep all the candy for themselves and not share. Not men?! I'm suspicious of that finding. 

Full study here https://www.studyfinds.org/candy-flavors-personality/

❾ *Listener Warning - poop talk here... There's a sea creature that was discovered in the early 2000s... and it has finally been seen pooping. This is the first time anyone has gotten footage of the deed... the sea creature is called the Bloody-Belly Comb Jelly and it has sparkly poop. The Monterey Bay Aquarium shared the video...
They're doing an exhibit featuring the Jelly... which really should be renamed the Sparkling Poop Jelly. I'm not wrong about this one.
❽ The other day the Guinness Book of Records tweeted about this guy who can turn his tongue into a ball and it has the biggest circumference in the world... it should be called tonguecumference and I'm mad that they didn't think of that.
If you want to break the thick tongue world record, put on some tongue weight and get a tongue that's bigger than a ping pong ball. It seems doable. But how do you bulk up your tongue? 
- special diet high in protein
- exercise
- hire a tongue trainer

❼ This bears-wrestling-on-a-tampoline story...
A lady in BC got video of two bears grappling on her trampoline the other day and it started trending because: Bears Fighting on a Trampoline! It's solid gold content... and at one point the lady asks Josh if he wants to go zip up the opening in the trampoline net... that's the play-by-play I'm here for. A bit of a zinger for Josh.
Extra thought:
Trampolines are bear magnets. What's up with that?

❻ This story of tenacity... if no one listens to you, you can either stop talking, or refuse to be silenced!! Somebody unhappy with the noise at Dublin Airport refused to give up... and they filed over 12000 noise complaints last year alone!
an average of 33 calls to the complaint desk every day. Exhausting.
Solution idea:
- Give that person free flights (you can't complain if you're ON the plane that's making all the noise, right?)
The airport actually has a plan where they will provide sound insulation if it's too noisy at your house... and they also are working on a deal where they'll offer to buy the house of anyone who's exposed to noise levels higher than 69 decibels.

❺ the new Taylor Swift bug ...
A big Taylor Swift fan from the scientific community was in a position to name a new millipede and went ahead and called it Nannaria swiftae. This twisted-claw millipede was discovered in the Appalachian Mountains.

❹ the world's largest hockey stick is in Jeopardy because: woodpecker. 
- biggest hockey stick in the world is in Duncan, BC
- it weighs 61000 pounds 
So they tried to fill in the hole but this woodpecker is unstoppable. 
So far, that's the story... but I predict they're gonna discover that the woodpecker was sent by people in the town with the second-biggest hockey stick in the world. They were sick playing second fiddle you guys. To be continued!
❸ M&Ms world record seems impossible to me...
A guy just broke the World Record by stacking 7 M&Ms on top of one another.
Points to consider:
- They're hard to stack plus they're delicious... who has the willpower to not eat the tower of M&Ms waaaaay before you get into World Record territory??
- The Guinness Book people say this is a highly competitive category,,, as soon as someone breaks the record somebody else is ON IT! So in case you thought "This will be a fun party game the next time the gang gets together!" Remember, it could lead to fierce competition and broken friendships. So get it all on video, we want to see that.
❷ the puppy who finds gold... is not a Golden Retriever. #MissedOpportunity
A guy in the UK took his new puppy out for a walk and that puppy dug up thousands of dollars worth of gold coins. This was the puppy's FIRST WALK! Ollie the dog (who's a lagotto romagnolo) found 15 gold sovereign coins worth about 6000 pounds.
Scotty note:
I don't know dogs but I have to say I was disappointed that the person who wrote the article didn't make any Golden Retriever jokes... or does that mean they're a good writer? It might mean "good writer" actually...

Honorable mention... Netflix lost subscribers, might crackdown on password-sharing, might be offering a plan with ads... everybody made a huge deal outta this one! 
❶ After much debate, we decided to go with Grape Pop Tarts for Number One!!
(Yes, we're controversial, but consistent.)
- it's a comfort-food story in a tumultuous time
- let the real news people tackle the real news... we'll stick with grape Pop Tarts.
They have grape jelly filling and purple crunch topping.
These were discontinued in 2017...
