Wednesday Shownotes: Cute Kids from Dieppe Break the Internet! Also it's Wildlife Wednesday you guys, watch the Sofa Snake Video! and Gas Prices Headed Down? #WeHope

These cute kids from Dieppe broke the internet this morning...
At the Leafs game in Florida, they traded their fantastic paintings for Leafs souvenirs...

Gas prices expected to drop tonight - maybe more than 10 cents!! 
* Tony's news post HERE.  
* EUB current prices... (
* Gas Buddy Price Comparison...
* CAA Gas Resources... (
Today you texted us what you thought a disagreement over a chocolate bar should be called... after a LOT of texts (thanks for that btw) it looks like you prefer "Bargument" over "Bar Fight".
It was a closey though!!!!
If you ever need to text us it's 506-856-9596.
Today's Fast Cash.. 
Sofa Snake! This was in the news a couple days ago ...
- happened in California 
- a 7 foot long Vietnamese blue beauty rat snake was in the sofa!
- not venomous (that makes it a LITTLE better I guess)
#Wildlife Wednesday
Jimmy Kimmel's monologue included this story about a teen who touched a Great White Shark... like, on purpose... Jimmy wasn't a fan of that teenager... 

Here's the monologue...
The weekly Covid Numbers came out yesterday... not super good... 
The RCMP Musical Ride folks are doing a baby-naming contest... 
#NameTheFoal What would be a good baby horse name?
Voldem... no wait, not that... what about Vivian Thee Stallion?!
Some more deets:
- Contest is for kids 14 or younger
- Name must begin with the letter V
- one entry per person please!
- deadline is April 22, 2022 at 11:59p EST
At time of blogging this, there is nothing official about Lucky Charms cereal making people sick. There's a website called where people report foods that they think have made them sick, and it has a lot of reports linked back to possible Lucky Charms sickness (some from Canada). With a name like "I was poisoned dot com" the website sounded kinda fishy to me, but then I learned that a TON of food agencies around the world subscribe to alerts from this site, and it has been credited with being first to sound the alarm for past outbreaks of illness-caused-by-food-products.
U18 Hockey... Our Moncton Flyers are in the Provincial finals again. They are a powerhouse/ dynasty. (DynaHouse©?) 
Q League Hockey... Wildcats lost in overtime last night to a very strong Charlottetown Islanders team... 
Siamese Cat Day!? Don't tell the dogs in your life about this, it'll just make them mad... (this day was invented to encourage catdoption©)

Dollarama is gonna start to carry things that cost up to five bucks, because: rising costs of everything. For now, they aren't taking my suggestion to change their name to Fiverama©. It has a ring to it, right? Except the 'paying more for everything' part. 
Fiverama might also be the name of an exotic dance club that my Uncle Leon used to frequent. To be continued...