Friday shownotes 8 April 2022: We gave away $969.00 this morning. That's a nice Friday when that happens!!

We gave away $969 this morning on Fast Cash!!!! Congratulations to Brad White who picked Tony's envelope. I opened my envelope first (Scotty) and there was like $250 bucks in there that Brad missed out on. I thought we were headed for another heartache, but then Tony opened his envelope and it was almost a thousand bucks for Brad! 2 envelopes. 1 big decision. listen monday at 7:10a. search New Country 96.9 wherever fine radio is heard!!
Peanut Butter Cup Pie...
We were talking about the giant peanut butter cup that is being marketed as a pie (but really, it's just a single, very large peanut butter cup which should be eaten by a single person, right? Glad we agree on that.) 

Fact: the more you talk about a peanut butter cup pie, the more you WANT TO EAT PEANUT BUTTER CUP PIE. 
But they're expensive. We want management to pay for the pies. We're trying to convince them that if they buy us each an expensive peanut butter cup pie, we can eat it on the radio and it would make for a top-notch show!
It's not true, but management might be convinced if we caught them on a good day.

btw, the big ol' pbc pie sold out really fast and now is only available as an aftermarket pie at greatly inflated prices...
Recall Headsup: some Kinder Easter treats might be a salmonella risk...
HERE for more info 
Yesterday we talked to Jeff and after the contest, this happened...
Here's the monologue from Kimmel where he talks about that new mushroom research... mushrooms talk to each other you guys!? (Fast Forward to 7:45)
The RCMP Musical Ride folks are doing a baby-naming contest... 
#NameTheFoal What would be a good baby horse name?
Voldem... no wait, not that... what about Vivian Thee Stallion?!
Some more deets:
- Contest is for kids 14 or younger
- Name must begin with the letter V
- one entry per person please!
- deadline is April 22, 2022 at 11:59p EST
Still waiting to see if this gets more attention... there is nothing official about Lucky Charms cereal making people sick. There's a website called where people report foods that they think have made them sick, and it has a lot of reports linked back to possible Lucky Charms sickness (some from Canada). With a name like "I was poisoned dot com" the website sounded kinda fishy to me, but then I learned that a TON of food agencies around the world subscribe to alerts from this site, and it has been credited with being first to sound the alarm for past outbreaks of illness-caused-by-food-products.
U18 Hockey... Our Moncton Flyers are in the Provincial finals again. They are a powerhouse/ dynasty. (DynaHouse©?) 
icymi Dollarama is gonna start to carry things that cost up to five bucks, because: rising costs of everything. For now, they aren't taking my suggestion to change their name to Fiverama©. It has a ring to it, right? Except the 'paying more for everything' part. 
Fiverama might also be the name of an exotic dance club that my Uncle Leon used to frequent. To be continued...