What a Weird Week for Sunday March 27: A look back at one year ago! yes, it's a re-run

Thanks for checking out What a Weird Week, a podcast with the Top Ten Weird Things from the news. This is episode 3.26 and it's a repeat episode because I thought I had Covid you guys.
In this glorious re-run we go back to a year ago this week.
For Full Show Notes and Podcast Links see (www.Shownotes.page). 
link to the BBC podcast about the war in Ukraine - if you want to understand what's happening there, it is a good way to get informed. It's called Ukrainecast (https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0bqztzm) ... ways to help  Ukraine (https://www.scottyandtony.com/2022/03/here-are-ways-to-support-ukraine.html)

The minister who didn't know there was a Zoom filter on during livestream church. As he says in the interview, it could've been worse. He just looked cooler than normal. That was the end result, a fairly cool minister to start with, looked cooler than usual, end of Story!
God bless, kids, and church volunteers who took on new technological challenges at church during the pandemic.

Without looking it up, I wouldn't know the biggest movie of all time. Until someone tells me, and then I'm all like... yes, of course. Knew that. Just because I couldn't remember doesn't mean I didn't know. I'm THAT guy in the conversation 100% of the time.
Last Saturday Avatar became the biggest money maker movie ever... again. It WAS the biggest movie, then Avengers: Endgame came out and got to Number One... but they re-released Avatar in China and it made another 12 million last weekend to take the lead 
Which one do you like the best? 
I haven't seen either one (I've been waiting to be absolutely sure that they're good. Any movie can have a hot weekend or two and win the Box Office... I like to be cautious and play the long game. If the movie becomes the biggest movie of all time, THEN I consider watching it. 
It's my formula.)
- Avatar has grossed $2.802B
- Endgame has grossed $2.797B. 
- Both movies owned by Disney so they are like hahahahahahahaahahahahahaaha all the way to the bank... even if the bank is far far away, they're still laughing all the way to it.
- Before Avatar and Endgame, Titanic was the biggest.

Bill Ackman is an investor who got-in-early buying stocks for a company that everyone online calls 'the Amazon of South Korea'.
Is "got in early" something people say? Because it sounds like something people would say. 
The company is named   and the stocks did very well for Investor Bill. He has more than a billion dollars worth of shares in the company, and he's giving them over to charity. A BILLION DOLLARS TO CHARITY? 
Questions/ Answers:
- How much is Bill worth anyway? The internet says almost 3 billion dollars.
- Looking inwardly, should I give more money to charity? Probably, but I'm not a menius©. (Money Genius.)
- Is the term Menius© available for licensing? You know it is. You KNOW it is!
- How do I get rich like Bill? I don't know you, but generally I think the answer involves inventing a time machine and then placing bets on sports. (I suggest the 1986 Montreal Canadiens Stanley Cup run because, who saw that coming?) 

7 More Heinz sauces!?
In a world that only a few years ago thought that Ranch dressing was still pretty cutting edge as far as sauces go, (I am of course referring to my world... MY world, y'all!) Heinz has started thinking outside the box... the box of sauce... the Sauce Box© and now they can't seem to stop. They've opened up Pandora's Box-of-sauce, Pandora's Sauce Box©, and they just keep churning out new combinations of ketchup and mayo, and ranch. 
- Hanch is fun to say
- Hanch sounds like the nickname of a television motorcycle cop. Change my mind.

A lady in the Netherlands got a robot tattoo this week. Not a tatto OF a robot, a tattoo done BY a robot. There was a tattoo artist controlling the robot arm, but that tattoo artist was hundreds of miles away.
She had her arm in some kind of arm-holding frame, and the tattoo artist had some kind of device on his end, and a robot arm did the actual tattooing. We talked about tattoo robots before on the show, but they're calling this the first remote tattoo, ever. 
What was the tattoo? Some kind of abstract.
- I hope somebody was in charge of "being ready to unplug the robot" in case it became sentient and attempted total human extermination. 
- How soon before this technology is adapted for military gains, or for use in the adult film industry? Is it hours, or minutes?
- Some day will robots be the ones GETTING the tattoos as well as giving them? (
You know, after we're all enslaved by them.)   

A guy made news this week for breaking the world record involving drinking a Capri Sun fast. The record is 16.65 seconds... doesn't seem THAT fast, but you have to start the clock before you remove the little straw... so that takes some skill I guess.
Tips to break this record:
- get good at fine straw manipulation
- being thirsty couldn't hurt
Scientists grow human tear glands in a lab, and actually make them cry (https://cnet.co/3tspAzN)
The headline says it all... how weird is THAT?
- this is a result of stem cell research
- some people can't make tears so this would help them
- will this revolutionize acting-in-sad-scenes especially on television? Probably not, but MAYBE!

Scientists surprised by plants a mile under the ice in Greenland
Theses were plant fossils they found way under the ice, so it proves there wasn't always ice there in Greenland... but, to me, the weird thing is how they got the research... 
- in the 1960s, the military was looking to have a secret storage facility for nuclear missiles.
- as a cover for this secret project, they did some drilling and soil samples
- the soil sample from a mile under the ice in Greenland was collected in 1966, then kind of forgotten until a few years ago when they rediscovered it in a freezer.
- weird, right?

2 That assistant district attorney in Pennsylvania who just got demoted because while he was being an assistant district attorney, he was also making DoorDash deliveries... like during work hours. 

Engineers at Stanford University have finally figured out exactly why hummingbirds hum. 
It's because they don't know the words.
If you really want to dig into the research (it involved a lot of  high-speed cameras and years of ciphering the math... but it's pretty much what you think... it's flapping wings... but here's the link... 