What a Weird Week for Sunday March 20: Dolly, Daylight Saving Mix-up, Dancing!

Thanks for checking out What a Weird Week, a podcast with Ten Weird Things from this week's news. This is episode 3.25.
For Full Show Notes and Podcast Links see (www.Shownotes.page). 
link to the BBC podcast about the war in Ukraine - if you want to understand what's happening there, it is a good way to get informed. It's called Ukrainecast (https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0bqztzm) ... ways to help  Ukraine (https://www.scottyandtony.com/2022/03/here-are-ways-to-support-ukraine.html)

10 Dolly and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame...
The Hall of Fame wanted Dolly in, Dolly politely declined because, she's not a Rock and Roll performer, then the Hall of Fame folks said Oops, we didn't anticipate that response... the ballots are already sent out... to be continued!
Should Dolly be in the Rock and Roll hall of Fame?

9 Russian News Protester...
Everyone had this story earlier in the week... the reporter named Marina who held up an anti-war sign during a news program on Russian TV.
Everybody was worried about her. She was interrogated for 14 hours and fined a little under $300. She has resigned from her job. Will there be more repercussions? That's what everyone is afraid of. World leaders have issued statements about how brave she was to do this... France offered her asylum but Marina has turned them down. To be continued.
Here's the full message translation "No war, stop the war, don't believe the propaganda, they are lying to you here."

8 No more changing the clocks in the Fall and in the Spring?!
This week in the US they voted to keep clocks where they are... permanent daylight saving! It isn't a 100% sure thing yet, it still has to go to the House, then get signed by the President... but no one thought it would be a unanimous vote in the Senate - and that happened - so it might be that changing clocks will be going away *starting in 2023. If the US does it, will we do it here in Canada? Seems like that would make sense, right?
BTW, it passed unanimously, but that was by mistake. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/03/18/senate-daylight-saving-time-vote-accident/) and (https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-senate-approves-bill-that-would-make-daylight-savings-time-permanent-2023-2022-03-15/)

7 Starbucks Cup Plans...
This is a lofty goal I think... also seems like it wasn't an easy thing to decide on... but better for the environment... 
Starbucks wants to partially phase out disposable coffee cups and switch to a bring your own cup model or returnable cups...
I hardly ever make it to Starbucks and I drive by about 7 Tim Hortons on my way to the Starbucks so I don't know that culture too much... is that gonna catch on? The goal is by 2025 this would happen... but it's not a total ban on disposable cups... they say they want to make the disposable cup option less attractive... what do you think that means? (Cough cough maybe pay more for a disposable cup cough cough)

6 Dancing study says that it is good for manliness... 
That was kinda the headline I saw all over when this story started making the rounds this past week... and I'm like, why are they studying manliness? And why are they investigating whether dancing is just for girls?  But that's not what was going on. The research shows that when boys dance as youngsters, they grow up to be more confident and have qualities that are helpful as an adult... so it's like sports and other activities that kids do... it can be good for kids to do these activities... include dancing in there. Not sure if I ever mentioned it, but I once won a dance contest with my sister... did you notice how confident I am? Me neither.

5 Somebody put a giant KMART sign on a guy's front lawn in North Dakota... 
Pastor Paul Knight doesn't know what the deal is but he is hoping someone  takes the giant K away. His wife is also concerned about getting it gone.
It has attracted some attention and some Selfie-takers. Here's the photo. It's pretty great. And gigantic.

4 Don't use emojis in work emails according to a study...
It makes you seem weak or gives the impression you have less authority. Even if you are powerful in your company, using pictures or emojis will basically cause you to lose the respect of others... then you'll have to be twice as much of an A hole to people around the office to get them to take you seriously. Don't risk it, stop emojifying. 👈👀

3 Gross sounding ice cream flavors are still a thing...
*this actually came out a little more than a week ago but was still gaining steam this week*
Walmart in the USA is carrying Kraft Mac and Cheese flavour ice cream..  last year when the ice cream company put this flavour out it sold out in an hour... the same company also has an exclusive- to- Walmart Pizza ice cream flavour. Gross or great?

2 Mary Jones Soda...
The Jones Soda Co. who invented turkey and gravy Soda are leaning into a new product line called Mary Jones Soda in place where cannabis is legal. Cannabis infused drinks and other things... 
"The sodas will debut in the company's four most popular flavors of Root Beer, Berry Lemonade, Green Apple and Orange Cream with 10 milligrams of cannabis for a 12-ounce bottle, and 100 mg for a 16-ounce, 10-serving can."

1 that giant potato we talked in a previous episode did not break the world record as expected. The Guinness Book people say it's not a potato! So what is it?
"Dear Colin,” the email begins, going on to say “sadly the specimen is not a potato and is in fact the tuber of a type of gourd. For this reason we do unfortunately have to disqualify the application.”