on the show Thursday March 31, 2022: Update* Now with Parachute Pants* also Price of Gas Soars, Secret Safe Contents, are you ready for tomorrow #AprilFools

We gave away some money today... it started out pretty rough, but ended with Parachute Pants...
You guys, I might be getting back into the dancing game... (scroll down for the 1980s safe story... )
Did you see the lineup of traffic in Halifax for the new Popeye's Restaurant!?

⛽ Price of Gas Check-in: Not Good...

We're trying to shine a spotlight on the need for Blood Donors this week... They have empty appointment slots at Canadian Blood Services if you can spare a little time to give blood and make the world a better place...
1-888-236-6283 or Blood.ca or get the free app (iphone) (android). Click HERE for more info. Canadian Blood Services is at 500 Mapleton Rd.
*I'm currently seeking Angel Investors for a new dating app that combines your first date with an appointment to give blood! 
Concept: when you match, your first date is automatically scheduled as an appointment for you to both donate blood, side-by-side!
For the Win: you'll be making the world a better place, if you don't hit it off you can pretend to fall asleep, if you DO like each other you can get to know each other like crazy! If you really REALLY hit it off, you can make out the whole time.
If I can't get this off the ground, maybe Bumble will buy my idea?
Reach out Bumble... I got ideas!

Any Good Soundbites today??
- I want to post the trailer for Joe vs Carole, but even the trailer has some lofty swearing. The whole show is like a fever dream of swearing and wardrobes. I like it but it is getting terrible reviews. It is what I like to call: Hot Garbage©
HERE's a link to reviews and the trailer, just remember, NSFW!
And here's one of Carole's diary videos. idk, I can't figure out what the deal is with these... 
- icymi, here's the video of the State Senator who thought the schools were filling up with Furries demanding litter boxes...
Heads-up! Tomorrow is April Fool's Day! Don't let your guard down...
- Reader's Digest weighs in HERE
- How to survive it HERE and also HERE (there are a LOT of articles about avoiding getting pranked you guys)

This dog got so excited to go for a walk that it just couldn't wait for the gate to open, so it got stuck and had to be rescued...

When that crew renovating a theatre in Fredericton found a secret safe in the floor... I didn’t know what to expect...  (spoiler alert, all they found in there when they finally got it open was a little bit of change)...  I was hoping for a treasure map ... but then I read that the place was built in the 1980s... Not a big swashbuckling privateer hey day...  it got me thinking... what is the most valuable thing from the 1980s that they could've  found in there? Imagine for a sec that it's the 1980s and you've just installed a secret floor safe... What would YOU put in it?
Me? It's gotta be my Honky Tonk Man action figure. He was Intercontinental Champ for a very long time you guys.