What a Weird Week for January 15, 2022: Love Gloves, Pokémon No, Badger finds treasure, and Weird Soup Candles #MMmmWeird


What a Weird Week: the top ten weird things from the news this week. For shownotes and podcast links go to Shownotes.page. Email address is weirdweekpod@gmail.com

Here are your Episode 3.17 stories:

10 Love Slump to Love Glove story...
The largest condom maker in the world... quantity wise, not like, size wise... these are regular-sized condoms that they're making... that condom company is pivoting to making medical gloves because of the lousy stinkin' pandemic has caused the swinging swingers to stay home... so: sales slump.

9 My Sweet Lord the plane crash rescue from oncoming train story...
A plane crashed in LA, It crashed on the railroad tracks. The train was chugging on down the tracks towards the plane. L.A.P.D. officers responded and saved the the pilot moments before the train crashed through the plane! Trains versus planes you guys!
8 Pokemon Nope...
A couple of LAPD officers got fired because there was a robbery-in-progress call but they decided to not respond to that because they were in the middle of a hot game of Pokémon GO... I guess they forgot that there was video surveillance in their patrol car? Because there is footage of them deciding to not help with the pesky robbery, because Snorlax!! All this went down a few years ago but these guys are in the news this week because they lost their court appeal and will remain fired.
7 giant sea dragon story...
They've discovered a very big fossil of something they're calling a Sea Dragon... the biggest one they've ever found in Great Britain... it's as long as a house and the skull weighs a tonne. Big Ol' Fossils still get us all jacked up... extinct for the last 90 million years... supposed to have looked like a giant monster dolphin... but when you see the photo it seems more like a monster crocodile... dinosaurs bruh!
6 There are very few legit reasons to drink pee you guys...
That guy in the news this week who said to drink your pee to be safe from Covid.
How do you get to there... so say you don't trust the scientists... you disbelieve the doctors... you hate all the politicians who you didn't vote for... how do you get to 'drink your own pee to live your best life'? To say that as a public figure... you need somebody on your team who isn't scared to tell you to not upload the pee video...
5 Badger finds treasure...
BBC Headline: "A hungry badger is thought to have unearthed the largest collection of Roman coins ever to have been discovered in northern Spain"
... so if you're a detectorist who has never found anything good... just old Coke cans... I don't know what to tell you... follow the badgers, I guess...  here's what happened... this was in Spain... it was a cold Winter, the hungry badger started digging like crazy because: hungry. It dug up these old coins. Those coins weren't good to eat, so the badger just left them by the badger den. Archaeologists found the treasure. These coins are from the 3rd to 5th century.   
Let's raise badgers you guys.
4 "Don’t Look Up" is a big *surprise*  hit for Netflix...
If you haven't seen "Don't Look Up" yet maybe it's because you heard it was awful. It's not awful. It's the second-biggest Netflix movie of all time. (It's the kind of funny, kind of surreal end-of-the-world commentary on how messed up we all are with Leo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence...) ... it goes RED NOTICE (number one), DON'T LOOK UP (two), and BIRD BOX (third).  
3 Cereal Mashup...
Every week we talk about the latest publicity stunt where some food brand is doing something wacky to get on the InstaTiks... (btw, why has Golden Grahams made a deal with Instagram yet with a limited edition INSTAGRAMS where the delicious cereal is shaped like cameras?!) ... General Mills has announced an upcoming mashup of Lucky Charms and Cinnamon Toast Crunch... then for Easter they'll have Reese Puff Bunnies.
I like the idea of a big ol' brimmin' bowl of Reese Peanut Butter Cups with a splash of whole milk and a sprinkle of sugar. Not Lucky Charms witrh Cinnamon Toast though. 
2 Pot Brownie Mixup...
Headline: "A group of senior citizens unknowingly consumed pot brownies that were brought to a community center card game by a 73-year-old South Dakota woman who was unaware that her son had prepared the baked goods with THC butter, cops report."
The senior citizens got to thinking they were poisoned! They called the authorities. The authorities figured out that there was no poisoning... the seniors were high on brownies.
It's just like a sitcom... the grown-up son made cannabis brownies then went to bed... his mom took the brownies to her card game at the senior center... those seniors got goofed on weedies. This happened in South Dakota though, where it is still against the law... so the son got charged... Here in Canada, we'd just be laughing about it, but in South Dakota, this fella can get 5 years for the mishap! 
1 Soup Candles MMmmWeird...
The folks at Campbell's make a delicious soup. But what's the deal with soup-scented candles? Do we want a tomato soup candle? Would you light a chicken noodle candle to mask odors in your home? I say no. But every time a brand comes out with these wacky products, the wacky products sell out!  
Campbell's soup has released two limited-edition SCENTED CANDLES based on their soups.  One is "Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese," and the other is "Chicken Noodle Soup."  It's so weird that it's great! Someone, or more likely a whole team came up with it and someone signed off on a chicken noodle candle. I love it!!!!

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