SWIM is a movie about a family who endures a home invasion by a shark. This motion picture hits the sweet spot of being terrible but fun to watch. It's not one of those terrible movies that annoys you, instead it comes through with enough bad dialogue, continuity errors, and open mouth acting (the actors have their mouths open through a LOT of this movie) to give it a ton of drinking game potential.
"I'm going to stay here and Eff up this shark!" - mom.
"The roof is collapsing!" - person on the roof.
"I love you son. You can do it!" - Joey Lawrence.
"Tucker, get my walker. Where's my walker, Tucker!?" - grandpa.
"Sir, this line is for authorized personal only." - voice on rescue boat radio.
- visual effects include a shark puppet, cgi water, and the use of one of those party lightbulbs i think
- extensive use of audio looping which might have been completely improvised
- an actor playing the parent of another actor where there's like a 10 year age difference, so you'll keep saying "wait, how are they supposed to be related again?" and "which one's supposed to be the parent?"