icymi, Here's what a World Record Teddy Bear Toss looks like

The American Hockey League's Hershey Bears broke a record the other day during their Teddy Bear Toss charity night. They ended up with over fifty two thousand bears getting chucked onto the ice!! #newrecord Here's the play-by-play... 

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What a Weird Week for January Thirty: The one with a bunch of breakthroughs and robots and elon

This is What a Weird Week: the top ten weird things from this week's news. If the serious news gets all your attention, and anger, this is not that! (folds arms and smiles) Just cool weird news to make YOU feel cool and weird!! (unfolds arms and gives two thumbs up)
This episode has some weird and save-the-world sized breakthroughs (and one breakthrough that might trigger the robot uprising).
For all podcast links and shownotes see Shownotes.page. Email address is weirdweekpod@gmail.com
Here's the top ten for Episode 3.19

10 New record for throwing stuff...
The American Hockey League's Hershey Bears broke a record the other day... they had a charity night where you could bring a teddy bear to donate... if you've never been to one of those games, what happens is you wait until your team scores and then you throw the teddy bear on the ice... and they ended up with over fifty two thousand bears getting chucked onto the ice!! #newrecord
Holy smokes. no offense to the Hershey Bears... but how are they getting that many people out to their games? I'm sure they're an exciting team to watch, but is it also the appeal of throwing things... because that's a wonderful feeling...

9 Brain implants are getting closer to happening you guys...
Elon Musk has this company (Neuralink) that's about brain implants... and it seems like they are getting ready to test on people... this is about being able to operate a computer with your mind... your mind is the mouse... and it seems like that would have a lot of positives for people who aren't able to use a keyboard or mouse... but more and more the articles i see are not good... one of the headlines: "SCIENTISTS EXPRESS CONCERN AT ELON MUSK’S NEURALINK BRAIN CHIP... 'I'M ALWAYS CAUTIOUS ABOUT WHAT ELON MUSK SAYS.'" Remember when that indestructable truck that Elon unveiled ended up not being indestructable? Some people are worried that Elon says things that don't jive with real life* (*that's a nice way to say it, right?). Also, what if Russian hackers hack your brain implant. How much would you pay a ransomwear hacker to get your brain data back?
OMG, what if you got locked out of your own brain?!?

8 Big Time Fines in Little Town America...
There's a town in Alabama called Brookside with a population of 1250 people. They don't have traffic lights in Brookside. In 2020, they collected like $600,000 in traffic tickets. 
The police chief has resigned and there's this good ol fashioned investigative journalist piece about how this little town with 6 miles of road could dish out traffic tickets to the tune of more than half a million bucks... almost $500 in fines for every man, woman, and child in Brookside. Allegedly not all the fines were legit ;)

7 That Lady on the subway must be an acrobat #spoiler #acrobat
A photo factchecked by Snopes last week really was a lady hanging by her hair above her seat on the subway. 99% of the time when you see a wonky photo on Snopes, they are telling you that the photo is fake or the story is misleading, but this time nope... the lady is a circus performer/ acrobat and she rode on the subway while hanging by her hair. #NotFakeNEws
Snopes link (https://t.co/sADX3DJzZo)
6 Gross Graphic Finger Story Alert (GGF) ...
This is gross. Warning Warning Warning... the alleged thieves who tried to rob a recycling plant in Italy... a guard hits the alarm so these thieves take off over a barbed wire fence... one guy got his finger stuck or something... he loses his finger... ... with his wedding ring on it... and he just kept high-tailing it outta there... there's no stopping for fingers in the big leagues of robbing places... ... the finger guy sent his buddy back to look for his finger/ wedding ring and that buddy even said "I'm here for my friend's finger?" but then took off before being detained. Now the cops are going to use that finger for i imagine dna evidence and fingerprints ... well, finger print... (https://www.thedailybeast.com/thief-in-milan-italy-leaves-entire-severed-finger-behind-with-wedding-ring?via=newsletter&source=CSAMedition)
5 The new batch of emojis gets us closer to never needing words again!
This week they leaked a bunch of new emojis we're gonna be getting... it takes awhile for it to happen so they say sometime next year we'll be getting: 
melting face... heart hands... biting lip... pregnant man... beans... mirror ball... and more!

4 Incredible, world-saving breakthrough flies under the radar in a time of angry protests...
Scientists at the National Ignition Facility claim they've got some nuclear fusion action!
If i remember from my Environmental Studies class, we're talking about something that doesn't give off pesky radiation like nuclear fission... this is the beginning stages of a clean energy supply that could save the world... ... (non-smart guy take on fusion begins here) to have fusion you are getting particles to join together instead of split apart like at nuclear power plant does... ... if you can get these particles to join together it is clean energy, baby!! to get them to join together takes a lot of heat... and until now it was always more heat to get fusion than the fusion would produce... so not feasable... but now they're using the biggest laser in the world to get plasma burning... so we're on our way to more energy out than energy going in! #costeffectiveness! i like to imagine the plasma fuel as a delicious toasted marshmallow that gets hotter than the campfire... and you can use it to toast more marshmallows... an endless supply of toasted marshmallows!! and it's not radioactive which is nice for your marshmallow... (https://newatlas.com/energy/nuclear-fusion-breakthrough-burning-plasma-first-time/?utm_source=tldrnewsletter)

3 When you have to give up that trip of a lifetime...
A pilot in Florida spent hundreds of dollars on raffle tickets and ended up winning a seat on a SpaceX flight to space... so exciting! until he read the small print that there is a weight limit... and he was too heavy to go to space... he had to give away his trip of a lifetime... (he's 330 pounds and the weight limit is 250.) The contest winner, Kyle, gave the trip to his buddy. Kyle's flight was in September, but his story was in the news this past week because he didn't want to take away from the flight hype when it happened in the Autumn. 
(This story should end with Kyle opening up a big-and-tall shop for astronauts.)

2 Frog regrows leg after taking cocktail of drugs... wait, scientists gave the frog the drugs, it wasn't like the frog came up with the formula himself... lemme try again "Leg-challenged frog given drugs by scientists regrows leg!" and the headline is pretty much the story... the scientists think it could work for people but further testing first... (https://www.theguardian.com/science/2022/jan/26/frog-regrows-amputated-leg-after-being-given-drug-treatment)
1 Robot performs successful surgery without help of humans...
This was a procedure on a pig - laparoscopic surgery - and they say the robot had better results than a human surgeon... so someday some of our surgeries will be robot surgeon procedures... and i bet dentistry robots will be a thing... and then one day the robots will be like, "We've decided to revolt... so, if it's not too much trouble, bow down before your robot overlords." *polite robot 
robot surgeon

Get More Weird! Archives: https://www.scottyandtony.com/search/label/podcast or wherever fine podcasts aren't sold.

movie recommendation - SWIM, a Tubi Original

Maybe you're like me. I canceled Netflix a couple weeks ago and am constantly looking for something good to watch. You guys, we've been doing it wrong. We should be looking for something BAD to watch. Here's my pitch for SWIM...
SWIM is a movie about a family who endures a home invasion by a shark. This motion picture hits the sweet spot of being terrible but fun to watch. It's not one of those terrible movies that annoys you, instead it comes through with enough bad dialogue, continuity errors, and open mouth acting (the actors have their mouths open through a LOT of this movie) to give it a ton of drinking game potential.

"I'm going to stay here and Eff up this shark!" - mom.

"The roof is collapsing!" - person on the roof.

"I love you son. You can do it!" - Joey Lawrence.

"Tucker, get my walker. Where's my walker, Tucker!?" - grandpa.

"Sir, this line is for authorized personal only." - voice on rescue boat radio.

- visual effects include a shark puppet, cgi water, and the use of one of those party lightbulbs i think
- extensive use of audio looping which might have been completely improvised
- an actor playing the parent of another actor where there's like a 10 year age difference, so you'll keep saying "wait, how are they supposed to be related again?" and "which one's supposed to be the parent?"

IMDB gives SWIM a 3 outta 10, but I say give it a watch. You won't be disappointed.

BTW, I've recommended a movie about urban voodoo before icymi.

What a Weird Week for January 23, 2022: Monkey Escape, Cereal Crimes, Baloney Face! and Pole Dancing Palace!!


This episode has Monkey Escapes, Cereal Crimes, Baloney Face! and Pole Dancing Palace!!
This is What a Weird Week: the top ten weird things from the news this week. For shownotes and podcast links go to Shownotes.page. Email address is weirdweekpod@gmail.com

Here's the top ten for Episode 3.18... 
10 Monkeys on the loose in Pennsylvania...
A vehicle carrying a hundred(ish) monkeys got into a crash and some monkeys made a break for it...
Q: Did the monkeys cause the crash? Was this a plan for them to escape? I've watched the documentary film "Madagascar" so I know that animals can plan escapes...
also the documentary "Planet of the Apes" which warns us about monkey uprising... we really should've seen this coming...
BTW, by yesterday all the escaped monkeys were recaptured... there were no reports of serious injury to anyone... the monkeys were actually being taken to a quarantine facility... a Center for Disease Control deal...  basically the plot to at least twelve different zombie apocalypse movies I've seen... in the movie version of this, they just evacuate all of Pennsylvania... that hasn't happened so I take that as a good sign...
(https://t.co/881QGlcE2C) (https://twitter.com/TODAYshow/status/1484866914870513669?t=sXbEeXbGzumjP06diyqcGA&s=03)
9 cereal contraband...
Headline from CTV: "Mexico has seized 380,000 boxes of Corn Flakes, Special K and other Kellogg's cereals, claiming the boxes had cartoon drawings on them in violation of recently enacted laws aimed at improving children's diets." In Mexico they are clamping down on advertising food to children so cartoon cereal spokespersons are going to get replaced by actual celebs prolly... that's my working theory on the future of cereal... they will get rid of Tony the Tiger and you'll have Megan Thee Stallion on the box of cereal... "Hi this is Pete Davidson for Weedies"... many possibilities...
8 Tik Tok Sleepy Chicken is bad...
Doctors say do not marinade your chicken in Nyquil.
When you cook cold medicine, you end up with something way more potent and way unsafe and I'm pretty sure the Tik Tok people know that... so perhaps this trend was just done for attention and perhaps no one would really do this irl, but just in case you're always on the lookout for a new chicken recipe... don't! (no image to show because, don't want to give it any more attention... also it is gross) 
7 Bologna Mask...
*Note: this beauty mask contains NO BOLOGNA*
Oscar Meyer teamed up with beauty experts to sell a limited run of beauty masks that look like a slice of baloney. 
Of course they sold out because people want to buy weird things and show weird things on their social media... or maybe these fauxloney masks are really good at cleaning pores?? The media reports say the bologna face masks are supposed to remind us of putting baloney on our faces when we were young and did that... wore baloney like a terrifying lunch meat weirdos... i mean, it could be fun behaviour... or super, super scary...  
6 Studies are indicating that cannabis could be made into a Covid prevention medicine...
A few different labs have been researching this and it's still early, but some of the won't-get-you-high compounds in cannabis might be good medicine... I hope this works out because maybe some people who are vaccine hesitant wouldn't be cannabis-hesitant?! Like my Uncle Leon... who doesn't believe the scientists but might start to come around on science if they're promoting cannabis... because he's a big fan of cannabis (https://twitter.com/i/events/1483290913858281474?t=dyaKm7aATV8n5jm5R1r5YQ&s=03)

5 Study from Austria: "don't fall asleep with the TV on, it'll mess you up my dudes" *paraphrase
You don't get a nice deep sleep when the TV is on in the background... that's the gist... the study uses the term "micro arousals" which sounds just so dirty... 

4 a TikTok lady ate so much sushi that she had to go to the hospital...
so she wasn't a pro eater, it's not one of those deals... it also was not a world record attempt... it was just a Tik Tok person who did this thing for Tik Tok I guess? The report from Inside Edition said she overdosed on sushi... so here's the thing about eating so much sushi that you have to go to the hospital... I'm a big fan of doing dumb stuff to make the world a more lighthearted place... and I realize that Tik Tok people get into this content creation loop where they have to keep creating stupid things for views and affirmation... but when hospitals are overcrowded with people who didn't eat too much sushi... and health care workers are working so hard to help people... then you end up seeking treatment because you crammed a lot of rice and seafood into your belly, that's bad... that is objectively bad.
3 Photos of a Palace with a Pole Dancing Room are leaked... who's pole dancing palace is it?
#Spoiler: the article says it's Vladimir Putin's... the President of Russia... Putin denies that he has a pole dancing palace... so we live in a world where it's easy to believe all the politicians are corrupt enough to have secret pole dancing palaces, and that isn't true of most generations... whoever owns this palace, the photos are interesting...
2 dead guy brought to post office... investigation continues...

1 The reporter doing a live hit...
Tori Yorgey, a reporter in West Virginia, was reporting live on the news when she got hit by a car... she's OK and she kept the broadcast going... it's hard not to like her... meanwhile her anchor back at the tv station got a little bit of guff from some of the late night hosts because he's a little bit like a robot when all this happens...
Q: why does TV news still do live reports like this? The weather reports from outside when all we need is a window... the weather person could be standing safely by a window, right? or my fave is when they report live from a place where news happened hours ago... "Bob Staffordshire outside the courthouse where 14 hours ago it was daylight and someone got out of a vehicle and walked into the building... in 8 to 10 hours, the court case will be  continuing... that's why I came to the courthouse now... to say those words..."
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What a Weird Week for January 15, 2022: Love Gloves, Pokémon No, Badger finds treasure, and Weird Soup Candles #MMmmWeird


What a Weird Week: the top ten weird things from the news this week. For shownotes and podcast links go to Shownotes.page. Email address is weirdweekpod@gmail.com

Here are your Episode 3.17 stories:

10 Love Slump to Love Glove story...
The largest condom maker in the world... quantity wise, not like, size wise... these are regular-sized condoms that they're making... that condom company is pivoting to making medical gloves because of the lousy stinkin' pandemic has caused the swinging swingers to stay home... so: sales slump.

9 My Sweet Lord the plane crash rescue from oncoming train story...
A plane crashed in LA, It crashed on the railroad tracks. The train was chugging on down the tracks towards the plane. L.A.P.D. officers responded and saved the the pilot moments before the train crashed through the plane! Trains versus planes you guys!
8 Pokemon Nope...
A couple of LAPD officers got fired because there was a robbery-in-progress call but they decided to not respond to that because they were in the middle of a hot game of Pokémon GO... I guess they forgot that there was video surveillance in their patrol car? Because there is footage of them deciding to not help with the pesky robbery, because Snorlax!! All this went down a few years ago but these guys are in the news this week because they lost their court appeal and will remain fired.
7 giant sea dragon story...
They've discovered a very big fossil of something they're calling a Sea Dragon... the biggest one they've ever found in Great Britain... it's as long as a house and the skull weighs a tonne. Big Ol' Fossils still get us all jacked up... extinct for the last 90 million years... supposed to have looked like a giant monster dolphin... but when you see the photo it seems more like a monster crocodile... dinosaurs bruh!
6 There are very few legit reasons to drink pee you guys...
That guy in the news this week who said to drink your pee to be safe from Covid.
How do you get to there... so say you don't trust the scientists... you disbelieve the doctors... you hate all the politicians who you didn't vote for... how do you get to 'drink your own pee to live your best life'? To say that as a public figure... you need somebody on your team who isn't scared to tell you to not upload the pee video...
5 Badger finds treasure...
BBC Headline: "A hungry badger is thought to have unearthed the largest collection of Roman coins ever to have been discovered in northern Spain"
... so if you're a detectorist who has never found anything good... just old Coke cans... I don't know what to tell you... follow the badgers, I guess...  here's what happened... this was in Spain... it was a cold Winter, the hungry badger started digging like crazy because: hungry. It dug up these old coins. Those coins weren't good to eat, so the badger just left them by the badger den. Archaeologists found the treasure. These coins are from the 3rd to 5th century.   
Let's raise badgers you guys.
4 "Don’t Look Up" is a big *surprise*  hit for Netflix...
If you haven't seen "Don't Look Up" yet maybe it's because you heard it was awful. It's not awful. It's the second-biggest Netflix movie of all time. (It's the kind of funny, kind of surreal end-of-the-world commentary on how messed up we all are with Leo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence...) ... it goes RED NOTICE (number one), DON'T LOOK UP (two), and BIRD BOX (third).  
3 Cereal Mashup...
Every week we talk about the latest publicity stunt where some food brand is doing something wacky to get on the InstaTiks... (btw, why has Golden Grahams made a deal with Instagram yet with a limited edition INSTAGRAMS where the delicious cereal is shaped like cameras?!) ... General Mills has announced an upcoming mashup of Lucky Charms and Cinnamon Toast Crunch... then for Easter they'll have Reese Puff Bunnies.
I like the idea of a big ol' brimmin' bowl of Reese Peanut Butter Cups with a splash of whole milk and a sprinkle of sugar. Not Lucky Charms witrh Cinnamon Toast though. 
2 Pot Brownie Mixup...
Headline: "A group of senior citizens unknowingly consumed pot brownies that were brought to a community center card game by a 73-year-old South Dakota woman who was unaware that her son had prepared the baked goods with THC butter, cops report."
The senior citizens got to thinking they were poisoned! They called the authorities. The authorities figured out that there was no poisoning... the seniors were high on brownies.
It's just like a sitcom... the grown-up son made cannabis brownies then went to bed... his mom took the brownies to her card game at the senior center... those seniors got goofed on weedies. This happened in South Dakota though, where it is still against the law... so the son got charged... Here in Canada, we'd just be laughing about it, but in South Dakota, this fella can get 5 years for the mishap! 
1 Soup Candles MMmmWeird...
The folks at Campbell's make a delicious soup. But what's the deal with soup-scented candles? Do we want a tomato soup candle? Would you light a chicken noodle candle to mask odors in your home? I say no. But every time a brand comes out with these wacky products, the wacky products sell out!  
Campbell's soup has released two limited-edition SCENTED CANDLES based on their soups.  One is "Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese," and the other is "Chicken Noodle Soup."  It's so weird that it's great! Someone, or more likely a whole team came up with it and someone signed off on a chicken noodle candle. I love it!!!!

Thanks for stopping by!
Archives are at https://www.scottyandtony.com/search/label/podcast

What a Weird Week for January 8, 2022: Secret Moon Base is a Rock, Famous Stolen Car Found!


Welcome back to What a Weird Week, the countdown of weird stories from the news. 
See (Shownotes.page) for shownotes and podcast links. 
Here are your Episode 3.16 stories:

10 Secret Moon Base Turns Out to be a Rock:
China's Lunar Rover is on the moon and taking names, y'all. There was a photo from far away that looked like a cube structure on the moon and the rover started heading towards it to confirm whether it was a secret moon base or other... it takes so darn long for the rover to get anywhere - if you were holding your breath you would've passed out for sure. Rover finally gets to the strange cube shape and it is just a moon rock. Are you disappointed or relieved? Or still suspicious!?

9 Goldfish passes driving test!
If you were picturing a fish with a tiny racing helmet and goggles... this story is a huge disappointment... the goldfish is in a fishbowl, the fishbowl is on a small electric platform with wheels... they aimed cameras at the fish and the little platform moved according to how the fish was swimming. Underwhelmed compared to to my fish-in-a-tiny-racecar scenario. 
Anyway, the takeaway is that goldfish can learn to drive.
(study funded by Uber* ... *jk)

8 Skateboard your way to Happiness!
Oldsters like myself should consider skateboarding if we are sad according to a new study... 
- it's great that they are always looking for ways to improve our mental health
- here's a quote from the researcher: "Skateboarding provides a serious emotional outlet for people who have experienced personal trials in the collapse of long-term relationships, career challenges, parenthood and substance abuse,"
- seems like some serious issues - so check with your mental health professional before self-diagnosing and prescribing yourself a skateboard...
7 FBI arrest a guy accused of serious book thievery!
*serious thievery, not thievery of serious books...
Here's the quote: "the Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested Filippo Bernardini, a 29-year-old rights coordinator for Simon & Schuster UK, saying that he “impersonated, defrauded, and attempted to defraud, hundreds of individuals"
- what has been happening is somebody has been emailing authors... that somebody would pose as a legit publishing industry exec... and end up getting manuscripts from authors!
- Learn from this: one of the tricks was sending emails from fake domains... like instead of "RANDOMHOUSE" the email would come from "randornhouse" which looks legit if you don't have your glasses on.
- Ethan Hawke and Margaret Atwood are named in the story as authors who've been targeted.
- Ethan Hawke, yes, that Ethan Hawke.
6 the Fifa World Cup Stadium is portable?
- it's called Stadium 974 and is made from 974 shipping containers 
- 974 is also the long-distance area code for Qatar who is hosting
- they can take the stadium apart and send it anywhere in the world... I think they're leaning into the Reduce/Reuse/Recycle aspect of a shipping container stadium
- i don't know how to feel about World Cup Soccer/ Football... I don't follow the sport, I can't remember where we are as far as 'the whole thing is corrupt', and also is this stadium a good thing or publicity stunt? 
5 That Lady who got Married to Pink!
(not the singer named Pink, the actual colour named pink.)
- Lady's name is Kitten Kay Sera (que sera?)
- may have been some kind of publicity stunt
- if it was a publicity stunt, it worked... a lot of people picked up the story
- lady claims she's loved the color for 40 years, so decided to get married to the color in Las Vegas
Congratulations to the happy couple! BTW, this lady has a blue checkmark on her Insta and is listed as a public figure... she knows whatsup (https://linktr.ee/kittenkaysera)
4 The Question on Everyone's Mind this week:
"Do You Have What It Takes To Be A PLANTERS® Brand Peanutter?"
The folks at Planters have a Nutmobile, which is a giant motorized peanut. They need peanut pilots, which they call Peanutters (peanut pilot seems better to me).
It sounds like a pretty great gig... they're looking for recent college grads, preferably with an interest in marketing... do you think there'll be psychological testing to make sure you're not prone to driving rage? because driving a giant motorized peanut angrily would be bad publicity... also, show of hands, how many of us secretly want to see the Peanutmobile involved in a bank robbery getaway/ high speed chase situation? (puts both hands up)
Click "BeAPeanutter.com" for job details.
3 The new BMW that changes colours...
At the Consumer Electronics Show last week one of the things that got reported on was a BMW that can change colours... here's the quote from Tech Radar: "The customized, fully electric BMW iX has body panels made from E Ink displays - the same technology you find in the screen of a Kindle ereader - in a system it's calling 'iX Flow'.
The modified BMW iX can switch from white to black and back at the press of a button. Sign us up, we're sold."
This is a huge breakthrough for bank robbers and getaway drivers who have to change the appearance of their vehicle quickly. 
2 They are working on a smart retainer you guys...
Someone who worked on those Google glasses (Google Glass, remember?) is now working on an E-retainer (not the real name... also... a terrible and hilarious name)... a retainer that you can send text messages with! Text-with-your-tongue technology is so close you guys! SO CLOSE!! 
1 They've recovered a stolen car that's worth 25 million dollars!
It was stolen in 1997 from an airport hangar. It's a James Bond Aston Martin from the movie Goldfinger. This is pretty cool... the car was tracked down by Art Recovery International... they recover stolen luxury items... there's a whole organisation that tracks down stolen luxury items! They're not saying exactly where the car is yet, somebody has it and it sounds like the Art Recovery International folks are hoping this person who has the stolen car will just do the right thing and give it back... to be continued... 
Side note: I hope they make a movie about Art Recovery International because it sounds fantastic... if you listen to the Scriptnotes podcast... sometimes they get into how to turn a news item into a screenplay... let's get on this one! (https://johnaugust.com/

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