What a Weird Week 3.12 for Dec 5 2021: Cats are psychopathish

What a Weird Week: the top ten countdown of weird stories from the news. Check (https://podcast.scottyandtony.com/) for links to all the stories and usual podcast stuff.

Bonus: As we record, there is a Blizzard Warning for Hawaii!?

10 Fourteen Seconds to make a gift impression...
A new survey in time for the holidays says that on average people decide if they like what you bought them for Christmas in 14 seconds... so if you care what people think/ trying to make a good impression, no slowburn gifts. Also no wrapping a box inside a box. No Russian Dolls either I guess, based on this data... you've got 14 seconds to make a good gift impression!

9 Cats are Pychopathish...
A new study involving thousands of cat owners indicates that cats tend to be psychopaths or at least psychopathish©. So cat owners, what do you do with that knowledge? Oh, you already knew that about your cat? Oh, your cat's name is Norman Bates. Good to know.(https://www.wfxb.com/2021/11/30/according-to-scientists-all-cats-have-a-little-psycho-in-them/?fr=operanews)

8 One way to avoid flooding problems of today... build a floating city... that is the plan in South Korea... a city that will float on top of rising waters, so they say it'll be flood-proof.
I pictured the major motion picture Water World starring Kevin Costner, put it looks more like a lovely World's Fair or a new land at Epcot... thanks for saving us from ourselves, futurists.

7 Those people storm-stayed in the bar for days...
- The Oasis cover band Noasis was performing.
- it snowed enough that people stayed over for a few days
- 10 foot high snow drifts!
- there is an Inn attached to the pub so the 68 patrons got to share some rooms at the Inn.
- no charge for the emergency lodging
- they did pub games and stuff to pass the time

6 The Little Kid Car Thief...
This 11 year old kid is allegedly the ringmnaster/ kingpin... the ringpin© of a bunch of carjackings in Chicago...
not like an apprentice or brought along for the carjackings by the babysitter... how wild is that!?

5 Loudest Burp Record set...
A guy in Australia burped loudly and now has a Guiness World Record. End of Story. 
Here's the burp if you want to check it out...

4 Holiday weight gain concerns? Try Prunes you guys...
Basically, eat prunes for a snack and it might help control your appetite, and maybe help you lose weight!? Here's the quoate: "Researchers from the University of Liverpool discovered that eating more prunes helped a group of dieters control their appetite better, consume fewer calories, and even lose slightly more weight than people choosing others snacks during a 12-week test."

3 What to buy for that person who has errthing? #HolidayGiftGuide
(Spoiler Alert: it's Chocolate, gift baskets, and gift cards.

2 Our Maple Syrup Shortage!
Here in Canada we have a secret supply of Maple Syrup?! I never knew about this and I'm from one of the Maple Syrup Provinces! I feel syrup shame. So our supply was running low and they tapped into our secret syrup reserve. Wild, right?!
- we released something like 50 million pounds of reserve syrup
- it can be stored safely for years (so consider stocking your bomb shelter with some)

1 That video game boat that someone bought for $650,000 in real life money...
Here's a pretty good summation from the article linked below:
"There are a lot of moving parts to this whole situation, so I’m going to try to break it down for those of us — myself included — who have no idea what on Earth is happening. This sale took place in something called The Sandbox, which is basically a virtual gaming world, a “metaverse” where players can “play, build, own, and monetize their virtual experiences,” the website claims.

I feel like this whole concept needs an example to make it make sense. Let’s say you built a house in Minecraft (or some other video game of your choice). Despite the fact that you built it, it’s still technically ‘owned’ by the makers of Minecraft. In The Sandbox, anything you make is owned by you, and you can sell it for in-game tokens that have a monetary value in the real world, theoretically."

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